
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

walk on water

walk on water

We’ve done other things than pool hang all weekend but I’ll get to sharing that later. The weather is too lovely to … View Post
kids in the pool

kids in the pool

Today is vacation to the max. Our friends pool/backyard is wicked awesome. Workin’ on my tan. Yes Mum, I we have sunscreen on. … View Post
yesterday was heaps fun

yesterday was heaps fun

Good Morning from Boston & Happy Friday! # all he wants is a ton of people jumpin on him # 10 Ways to … View Post
travel diary: YYZ > BOS

travel diary: YYZ > BOS

Walked to the airport with my sis yesterday. Toronto is an amazing city. Almost certain this guy is the same model from the Mark’… View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

“@Big_Canada: Stacking up the height on a picnic table" giant This Giant is something else. … View Post
You have to do stuff that average people don’t understand, because those are the only good things.

You have to do stuff that average people don’t understand, because those are the only good things.

Gong to Boston today with my sister. Still haven’t finished my a deck I’ve been working on. So beauty outside. Was at … View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

I’ve had the same Twitter photo since May, 5 2008. I just changed it. I don’t really wear glasses. Only sometimes. # Where does the … View Post
video: you’ve got mail.

video: you’ve got mail.

A Couple Things: Thank you Alex from Riverdale Mac for the Alu Pen Stylus. It’s got a nice weight to it and the … View Post
The Science of Social: Periodic Table & Google+

The Science of Social: Periodic Table & Google+

Came across this last night on Google+ via Drew Olanoff. Good find. So many networks, omg. How many are you on? Click the photo … View Post
“your passion” she said

“your passion” she said

This evening I got an email from a blog reader who recently moved here from England. She said she loved my passion for life. … View Post
Canada’s Cutest Bloggers

Canada’s Cutest Bloggers

Fans waving in the background. Best outfit ever. Here we go. Canada’s Cutest Bloggers, get ready for it. Keri, Chief Security babe of … View Post
just let it out.

just let it out.

It’s really warm out today. I’m not feeling motivated. I should go outside. I have work to do. I can have my … View Post
my debut as an animator

my debut as an animator

I’m not sure if I should call it “Damn You Internet” or “My name is not Casie not Cassie”. Watch & gimme your … View Post
Life is built on experiences.

Life is built on experiences.

Take them. Make them. Live them. Love them. Leave them in memory. Leave them Online. This blog is how I remember. Remind yourself today … View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

these 9 companies want to keep space exploration alive – # G+ me @ Here’s how … View Post
a very fine artist wouldn’t ya say there

a very fine artist wouldn’t ya say there

I painted this. With digital paint. I feel it really speaks to my passion for technology and love of life. Full of emo(ticons). … View Post
so many girls on one bus when we went to bud camp

so many girls on one bus when we went to bud camp

Saw the Busweiser rig at the Indy today. This thing turns into a truck and drives across Canada going to fun places. I went … View Post
brand of the day: puma

brand of the day: puma

Check out this total radness Puma thought up. So smart. The bag is made from cornstarch and is 100% biodegradable so it will completely decompose … View Post
welcome to the races

welcome to the races

I would like to take this for a drive please, boys. Ladies Day at the races. Ok not really, We had fun though. Beautif … View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

a picture for you @motorola_ca. vrooom. # Like my cottage? j.k Cottage Channel! Ha # Photo: … View Post
hey i got a new dance for you all called the soulja boy

hey i got a new dance for you all called the soulja boy

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team canada

team canada

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inspiration is everywhere, open your eyes

inspiration is everywhere, open your eyes

Stayed up late making changes to blog. I’m not done yet, it takes forever. A blog is a continuous work in progress, always … View Post
A Panel Discussion On Panel Discussions? You got it.

A Panel Discussion On Panel Discussions? You got it.

Have you been to a panel discussion before and thought…Who are these people? Who picked them? Did they prepare? What are they even … View Post
if you missed it here it is.

if you missed it here it is.

Remember how I’ve been saying I wanna be on TV for the last few weeks (months)… Mum ring me early this morning all … View Post
today in blog news – i updated!

today in blog news – i updated!

I updated to the new WordPress 3.2. The way it looks when I type before I publish is a bit different, I hear there are … View Post


Made this video for Dad a in 2009. I watched practice from the fence. I love the sound of those cars. Had longer hair then … View Post