
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

“for people to shine” he says. That makes me excited.

“for people to shine” he says. That makes me excited.

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Dream Come True: On Stage with The National Ballet

Dream Come True: On Stage with The National Ballet

At the age of three I started ballet. I danced at Meyerhofer Academy in Cambridge lead by Miss Lisa for ten years. I learned … View Post
Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-22

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-22

"A Very Bubler Christmas" from Buble & Bieber @therealmiamazin # Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-21: Kinetic energy may power our home/gadgets … View Post
Love this Blog: Valfre

Love this Blog: Valfre

Her drawings make me smile. One of my goals for 2012 is to do more drawing. I started my drawing blog BORDERLINE ARTISTIC in 2008. Most … View Post
A half eaten sandwich is a bad Christmas present.

A half eaten sandwich is a bad Christmas present.

Watched this yesterday, so lovely. I follow MBF on Twitter but had never seen/heard him sing. I think my dream man will do … View Post
Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-21

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-21

Kinetic energy may power our home/gadgets starting in 5 years via @zite # Hello hubba arm candy #KateMiddleton #AlexanderMcQueen http://… View Post
Travel Tuesday: I wanna see the world!

Travel Tuesday: I wanna see the world!

On my recent trip I didn’t stay at a resort or all inclusive, I really took time to seek out adventure and make … View Post
If You’re Happy & You Know It, Show It!

If You’re Happy & You Know It, Show It!

Reckon I’ve been a bit slack on work since I got back from Mexico last week. I’ve got the holiday tunes on … View Post
Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-20

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-20

Photo: Sammers is sleepy (Taken with Instagram at Cityplace N2) # Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-19: Photo: Let’s go (… View Post
The Weather Outside is…

The Weather Outside is…

Delightful 🙂 Walking Queen West to see Rob at Bobby Five for a new tattoo. Been waiting for this one a long time. It’s … View Post
Dance Central, Party Central

Dance Central, Party Central

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-18

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-18

Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-17: Photo: Blonde besties @laurenonizzle @keriblog @erinbury… # Ninjabread Men: Stayed in last night w/ … View Post
Let the Sun Shine In

Let the Sun Shine In

So nice on my balcony right now. Jenie helped me clean my room (Merry Christmas to me!) and we’ve been soaking up the … View Post
Ninjabread Men

Ninjabread Men

Stayed in last night w/ my sister watching movies and decorating these tasty guys. I think I’m coming down with a cold. Had … View Post
I hear that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?

I hear that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?

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I have a thing for cars.

I have a thing for cars.

Saw this old Chevy truck in Mexico and it reminded me of Dad. When I was growing up I spent heaps of time round … View Post
Dancing Circles

Dancing Circles

Feeling like I might be coming down with something. Figures, post vacation and entering holiday season, confined to the house and the couch. Ok, … View Post
I Missed View, I Always Do

I Missed View, I Always Do

Looking out from my place isn’t as dreamy a Mexico or Costa Rica but I sure do love it. This is what the … View Post
Let’s Get Sexy

Let’s Get Sexy

I recently had to replace my iPhone and when I found out it wasn’t $600+ and was $200, I splurged on nice new bras & … View Post


Ahhh. WHIRLWIND the last few weeks but nice to home. Not going anywhere but the parents till January. Reckon what happens now -March will … View Post
WP 3.3

WP 3.3

Interesting, Quick Photo. Testing 1,2,3… View Post
Barbie Style

Barbie Style

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you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

Photo: Gingerbread # No white Christmas for #Toronto Thoughts? via @zite # The most important page … View Post
I didn’t even feel it.

I didn’t even feel it.

In case you were worried 🙂 Sent from Andy, my iPad. View Post
Upstairs, Heaven

Upstairs, Heaven

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Little boxes on the beachside, little boxes all the same.

Little boxes on the beachside, little boxes all the same.

Playing with Diptic for iPhone with Instagram. Good scenery today in the neighborhood. View Post
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet!

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet!

Hola & good morning from Capricci Latino on 5th Ave. I’m here having breakfast & wifi. Ok this gif is from Starbucks but … View Post