Mad Hatter – Have a great day bro!

This is me waiting for a conference call. Hi from inside my office! Hat is from Holt Renfrew, necklace Top Shop (LA), arm party Nike Fuel, Pandora, cardigan Forever 21 <3 CASIE

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Thankful to Have You in My Life

We went to have lunch with Dad then dinner with Mum in Cambridge, Ontario. The leaves are all changing and the are was warm and fresh. We spaced out the family time with a lovely walk in the park along the boardwalk where I used to go as a kid. Still feeling so full and we’ve got a fridge topped with leftovers. I reckon it’s time for a diet! I really love this time of year. Change is good. I’m ready for change. Have a big adventure coming up near the holidays. Can’t wait to share those details with you soon! Hope your week is off to a great start. We’ve only got three days till the weekend! Well, after today 🙂 Make them count! <3 CASIE Buy Soma Buy Strattera Buy Trazodone Buy Ventolin

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Thanksgiving, Giving Thanks All Around!

Looking forward to going home with my BF to have lunch and dinner with my parents today. Haven’t seen Dad in ages. Not as long as this photo, lol, I just love this one. Too bad all the sisters won’t be there. There’s 1/5 missing from this gif but two years ago we had a blast at Thanksgiving. All the kids were there and I made gifs of us. So fun 🙂 We went on an epic walk through the trees and down by the river. Hard to believe it was two years ago! Hope you’re enjoying the weekend! <3 CASIE Buy Lipitor Buy Plavix Buy Prednisolone Buy Sildenafil

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Ted Baker’s Dozen: Meet Redge Blaker #TedtoToe

Love the latest  campaign from Ted Baker London with their new sartorial hero “Redge Blaker”. You may recognize him as Gavin McInnes, ex-co-founder of Vice. See my previous posts with Vice Magazine here and as  Ted Baker Ambassador here. Redge (aka Gavin) is the lead in the Baker’s Dozen videos, Winks, and of course Teditorials (Ted’s take on street style) all dressed #TedtoToe. Can’t wait to pop into the Yorkdale store this week and pick up myself something from the AW collection in time for World Mastercard Fashion Week. It’s <7 days away! Some of my fav bits from the new campaign below! Check out the website. The animation above is a combo of some of Ted’s. gifs I love this brand heaps, honestly. So cheeky! The Devil is in the Details

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Friday At the Office Before Long Weekend?

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Win a Galapagos Adventure! #LookBEYOND

Picked up a massive package yesterday filled with new BEYOND products from Fruits & Passion’s new brand. If ya don’t know, Fruits & Passion is a Canadian-based boutique and the new BEYOND line launches today in Canada (will be available in Quebec and online soon). Scroll down for deets on a great travel contest they’re hosting. It’s about time you went on a vacation, right? CONTEST! WIN A TRIP TO GALAPAGOS ISLANDS For the month of October, Fruits & Passion is giving customers an opportunity to win the ultimate eco-adventure. Visit the for a chance to sail the Galapagos on a voyage that encompasses the very best of the Northern Islands. You’ll encounter local wildlife including sea lions (gah!), iguanas, giant tortoises and exotic birds of all shapes and sizes doing their thang in this wild slice of paradise. The Galapagos islands should be on everyone’s bucket list! If you don’t win this competition, there are other opportunities to go on a 5 day small ship cruise which tours the island. Good luck! Products range from facial care, make-up, body and hair care. The BEYOND line is eco-friendly and features all natural beauty products from earth-conscious suppliers and manufacturers. Twitter: @Fruits_Passion #LOOKBEYOND Facebook: Fruits & Passion English Instagram: @fruits_passion #LOOKBEYOND BEYOND helps make people and the environment beautiful, together. If you win, you can TOTALLY take me. I love vacations and I’m really good at them. Check out some of my past adventures before you ask me to join! (I kid I kid). No, I’m totally serious! Enjoy the beautiful day! CASIE buy propecia buy prozac buy sildenafil buy tadalafil

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