Twitpic New App for iPhone
I downloaded it last night. Here’s some screenshots. It has potential. It’s very ‘Instagrammy’ which is not surprising given it’s popularity. Facebook s adding filters to FB photos any day now. Twitpic was the first and most popular app for Twitter years ago. I have 2,697 photos at Select photo, roll for brightness, select filters. Crop, rotate, share. It’s all quite & easy, see time stamps. Final product, flipped, filtered & added banner. I like the date stamp on this one. These two are edited with Camera+ for iPhone. Good app for fixing crap photos or ones with bad lighting. These are two of my fav photos from Instagram last night. Follow me on IG at What are your thoughts on the Twitpic app? I think Twitpic will get a LOT of users is they beat Instragram to Blackberry. People still use Blackberry right?! haha. Have an awesome day!
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