Halloweek 2011 Costume Roundup

Friday night – Pimp & Pirate for the Liberty Grand Halloween Party Lauren was Vampire Cheerleader, Sean was basketball player. Saturday Sailor Zombie at CTS Tank Girl Sam was roller skating dress wearing 80’s lady Saturday night Lauren as Hipster Ariel & Ursula w/ a MerBABE. I can’t find a photo of me with the glasses on DOH! Sean was Popeye Elliot 70’s cool guy Bride Lauren Might wear this out tonight but hipster version! What’s YOUR costume?

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find what you love

Kate sent this to me this morning and said it reminded her of us. We both love Gubler too. I had a lunch interview with a lovely journo today who writes for a major Canadian magazine about personal brands, social media & my job. It’s interesting that the idea of a ‘personal branding’ has become so popular, a term that wasn’t used nearly as much five years ago. I always get asked in interviews “where do you see yourself in five years?”, a question I can’t really answer. I like to say ‘happy and with money in the bank”. I dreamed about doing what I do now, I thought about how great it would feel to work from home and travel and make my own hours, be in ads, host sponsored events and get lots of stuff in the mail. I dreamed about it and I really believe thoughts become things and when you set your mind to something, you can achieve it. I didn’t blog much this weekend or take many photos. Yesterday I had a nice brekky with Barbie & Sammy at the Fox on Fort York. Sam & I walked around in the sunshine for the afternoon & checked out ‘no car Kensington’ as he likes to call it. There was heaps to see and photograph but I didn’t feel like being a ‘blogger’. I soaked up the experience and sunshine and it was lovely. Went to see Sheldon’s drag show at Woody’s in the Village last night. Hung out with a whole bunch of hot Aussie boys, it was great. Tonight heading to Underground Cinema for Rocky Horror then Baby Huey’s (Elliott is DJing). Hope you’re having an awesome day. Coming up next, costume wrap-up!

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we take this halloween thing very seriously

Halloween is my fav time of year. Have I told you 1,000 times yet? Y’know the week before halloween right after after Zombie walk. It’s socially acceptable, I feel, to be in costume anytime this week. Not that being in costume any other day isn’t ok. Once I did a pub crawl as Wonder Woman. DRESSING UP IS AWESOME. Today CTS is having a store party with DJ EL DEVINE (Elliott), candy, pumpkin carving and everyone dressed up. There’s a 50% coupon hid somewhere in the store too.  I don’t wok here but I AM the Mayor and have been for some time now. Sammy carved this pumpkin himself. He’s a halloween virgin and last night was his first outing. Elliott is also Australian, double Halloween VIRGINS! It’s a damn shame they don’t celebrate halloween down under. One reason I’m extremely glad my sister and I  grew up in Canada and not NZ. You can find Elliott at the Hoxton or somewhere Queen West drinking PBR.   Lucas is ALSO Australian!     Emma isn’t really preggers. When someone say here smoking there were DISGUSTED! haha If you are around come by will here here chilling for a while! Elliot is playing god tunes all afternoon 🙂

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Weekend Tune: “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett

BOO! Did I scare you? It’s Halloween weekend! Ghosts and ghouls are around every corner! So what’s more fitting then a little Monster Mash? I don’t know about you but I’ll be boogying to this non-stop. My costume? Ray AKA Zach Galifianakis from Bored To Death! What are you up to this weekend? Who will you be? Tricks or treats? Happy Halloween! xo Kate

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you missed this yesterday

Photo: lets watch our video together @bohunk http://t.co/ItJH4Yqc # i like the baseball tweets when it's exciting like this. shows passion. fun to read. #worldseries (not watching) # your tweets had me change the channel. #worldseries # me at the @bluejays parade when they won the #worldseries baggy jeans! http://t.co/8siIMvcs # WHOAAA # yes rip his shirt off please #worldseries # guy who caught the ball instant celebrity be him for #halloween #worldseries # Get out there and build it.: Something I really love about life is the… http://t.co/mDgE80Xb #thisismylife # I've just snapped a new picture: http://t.co/ziPDpQTL # Your first job?: I started thinking about my first job after reading Neil… http://t.co/GSwzciLR #thisismylife # Haven't picked winner for #BurroughesMansion or #LibertyHalloween yet. 20 min to enter before I pick winner. GO http://t.co/rK5eJkRs # Had to turn down speaking on an awesome panel for #Mesh because instead of surfing online I will be SURFING in COSTA RICA! # woke up really wanting an iphone. # Tickets for the #CCspeakeasy Thursday downtown 7pm. Five pairs of tickets… http://t.co/oQktmYwj #thisismylife # Having lunch w/ 800 women! #womenforwomens #charity (@ Sheraton Centre w/ 7 others) [pic]: http://t.co/eMS5u5HJ # lunch w/ the ladies @juliecole @valtorontogal @viewthevibe @katekillet @kidsgummymum @wchf + the one & only @jeanne_beker! #womenforwomens # Awesome #Halloween inspiration: a real life Lichtenstein comic girl. http://t.co/tf6PEcvo # if youre not maimed you werent carving pumpkins http://t.co/RDcBwz6e # theyre so sparkly #smileformebaby http://t.co/O3EEfWiO # Using @Telus mobile wifi on @Motorola_CA DEFY. So convenient. Thanks & love youuuuuuuu! # must complete @saymediainc interview # Playing dress up. Come by! Looovvee this dress. #halloweek (@ CTS) [pic]: http://t.co/RV06VkIF # Effie is a little fox! #FF @effieredmond http://t.co/RXs1eKct # Like my costume? (@ Monster Halloween) [pic]: http://t.co/zVfgw6ZH # Whoa crazy. US cheque deposited today won't clear till…

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Get out there and build it.

Something I really love about life is the uncertainty of not knowing what the day will bring you. Opportunity, challenges, happiness, stress, whatever it is, I accept. Woke up today feeling kinda meh. Waited ages for a driver from CO-OP, they should be called slow-op. Was angry for a few minutes seconds but had a lovely chat with concierge while waiting. Arrived at 1 King West during morning session break at Dell CAP. I didn’t realize how big the thing was before I went. I was taken to my seat (which I then realized) was two seats down from the moderator (Mark Evans), beside a Dell exec. and in clear view of the livestream. I don’t know WHAT I was expecting but it wasn’t this. I was pleasantly surprised. I’m not a Dell user, nor do I have any Dell products and before today I knew very little about the brand or company. I was impressed by the attention to detail, organization, and care the people at Dell have to their business. There were not more than 30 people, some local, others flown in from across Canada & the US. We shared ideas about brands we thought were doing things well in customer service, purchasing, sustainability and social media. My favourite part was the Social Media Discussion which included all Dell Panelists. The livestream is available to watch in sections here. This is the segment lead by Mark Graham (Rightsleeve) & myself on SM: View the story “Tweets from Dell CAP Day – October 2011” on Storify]   Everyone met in the Vault for cocktail hour and I walked to Ryerson University were I was speaking to the Image Arts Union & other students about personal branding & social media. We had a good discussion going for a while and in the middle of my talk the lights went…

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