And now you won’t stop calling me; I’m kinda busy.

I had a really fun weekend. Partied with Raymi,  Carly & Meredith on Friday for Raymi’s bday @ The Central. Was fun to hang with the blog babes and boys. We always pose like this together, haha. Classic. I feel like going over what I did the last couple days would be too repetitive, I was tweeting, uploading twitpics & updating tumblr all weekend. I really need to set up mobile posting now that summer’s on it’s way. Have a nasty bruise from falling at LGFW during a photoshoot. I put this little tattoo on it, gonna do that when I  get bruises now. It looks waaaay better than the nasty purple/blue/black, trust me. Hung out a friends roof  in the yesterday and went for dinner. Also sat down by the water this weekend, it’s really lovely. I’m so excited for the warm weather. Oh yeah, this launches today FORA!

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some media friends at #lgfw

Shots from my comp in the media tent (which is not actually a tent at all). Liana Saadi. She’s a total babe and a fitness model who shoots for Elle Canada Magazine.. We’re also from the same hometown. This is Fouj, she’s the greatness behind the Social Media for LGFW and the blog of it all (aka the good stuff). She’s a hot babe with great style AND she’s super smart/good at social media. I always find the babes. If you’re at Fashion Week, find her and she’ll snap your outfit photo! Barbie is up later and I scored an extra pass so I can bring Sabrina. She’s my roommate but also my very own Barbie. I play with her hair, do her makeup and sometimes make outfits for her. She’s a jem. LOVE YOU Beans! I made her post for these photos at home. Gawd, she’s cute.

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over forty years of family fashion

My shirt, it was Mums. She just told me that she got it when she was 15 in New Zealand it it cost her $15. She used to make $2 and hour back then but she just HAD to have it. She charged it to her Mum’s account (Nana) and had to pay it off over time. I LOVE when Mum tells me stories of her clothes. When she moved to Canada she kept her clothes, Jenie & I wear most of them now. She had/has great style, my Mum. Probably one of the reason I have so many clothes, mine all tell a story too. I love them, hell, I’ve been sleeping with them for the past week (half my bed is a pile of clothes right now!). Heading back to fashion Week this afternoon for my last day.  I’ve been waiting for Barbie by David Dixon and TONIGHT is the night. Not sure about partying after…really proud of myself that I’ve not woken up hung over or attended any crazy late night fashion partied.  It makes a difference when you actually have to work, ah, I remember so many years of just attending parties. I posted a couple things on my OH CASIE blog and there’s a heap of Twitpics too. It’s beautiful outside today, enjoy it. I’ve got heaps of footage from the F/W 2010 collections I saw this week, will try to get it all up this weekend. Happy Thursday/Friday!

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