i can hear you calling my name

I love this city, I do. For some reason, probably many reasons, I started feeling a travel bug this week. Maybe it’s the over whelming amount of things I need to do, starting with cleaning my room (again) and organizing the piles of paper, replying to emails, blogging about things that already happened. That’s the thing about the internet and having a blog about life, sometimes you just want to stop and go back to living a life like those other people who don’t internet their lives.  I caught up on sleep this weekend and spent some time with my sister. This stuff helps. I also hung out with my first love, he came to visit and I wondered if there is a spark still there, 10 years later, he’s still great but I think we’ve grown too far apart. I miss that someone special I was hanging out with for a while last year, it all ended so fast. Not having closure gives me anxiety. You get busy and forget about your heart sometimes but when it’s a rainy day at home you miss that love you once had. I can’t seem to find my flip cam in my room, I’m sure it’s just hiding, I know it’s there. I downloaded a whole bunch of apps to my phone last night, there’s this one police light that doesn’t the blue/red with sound. There’s a strobe light too. I’m sure I’ll fond some silly place to put it to use it along with the cheezy soundbyte apps. I’m getting a new tattoo tomorrow. Still have to send in my LGFW schedule for work. I’m most looking forward to Barbie on Thursday. I’ve been watching movies all day and they’re having an effect on my mood for sure,  one romantic comedy…

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tgif: you can do it put your rack into it

Twestival & Samsung parties were both fun. We raised over $20,000 for Concern Worldwide in Toronto alone.  I wasn’t sure about the 3D TV but seriously, that shit is amazing.  Feeling tired today, been a long week. This March is madness, so many events, so little time, so much to write about.  Gah, feeling a little overwhelmed.  Naptime when I get home. Gotta make a sched for LG Fashion week.   Looking forward to the Y&R at 4:30, shit be gettin’ CRA-ZAY. Hope your day is good. Sun is shining and despite feeling a bit drained, I’m happy. TTYL xo

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i’ll be your sunshine when skies are grey

Popped over to see Darren this morning and got a little grey-ness put into my hair. It’s on the runways this season and I really wanted to have it done before fashion week. Tonight is Twestival and I’m super excited to be surrounded by everyone tonight. Tickets are almost SOLD OUT. If you want one get it here. There’s over 400 people already attending. I’m giving away two tickets on @mtvcanada‘s Twitter today, we’ve had SO MANY RT’s! It’s awesome. Before I hit up the big part I’m stopping by Notable TV‘s launch of the brand new Samsung 3D TV with Sabrina. Booya. Stoked to see this in baby action. Ok, that’s all for now! Have an awesome day! Check this Twestival video:

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casie in the city

To Whom it may Concern, Casie is to stay home tonight and get to bed early. She is very tired and needs to have lots of energy for tomorrow night’s festival of Twestival. This is the BIGGEST Twitter party ever. There is no room for tiredness! –  Dr. E. Cohen Check this out! My friend  Jennifer Herd has an art show coming up later this year and she drew a couple City Girls and little ol’ me is one of them. Arms over head, smiling, having fun,looks about right!

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i did it all for excitement and fun

I was sitting waaay up high with the press peeps and not paying attention to the game. First goal happened, not for the Leafs. I was not surprised.  It also doesn’t matter to me, I pick the Leafs as my team cause Toronto’s my city and I hardly ever watch hockey outside the Olympics anyways.  I l0ve the Kiss Cam (when camera goes on you, kiss person beside you) and Luke’s Troops (camera goes on Troops & tells story) the most. I also love the hockey hair and guys/girls in jerseys, Canadian celebs and people in suits.  Saw Walter Gretzky, Eugene Levy and a couple Mountie’s too. It’s a sight to be scene,  it’s awesome. Sports games are a social experience for me, out of my comfort zone, but yet I’m so easily comfortable.  People watching never goes outta style. I could hear the announcers voice behind me as I sat there listening to his voice on the loud speaker. It was amusing, I liked it. Changed this post (originally posted Tuesday night at about 8pm) to present tense when I got home. I’ve got a busy Wednesday ahead of me. Another event tonight. Excited for Twestival tomorrow & the 3d TV Samsung launch. Next week is Fashion Week. OMG. Seriously, March MADNESS. I need to sleep all weekend if I’m going to make it. Tweeted some non-hockey banter and  Twitpix last night. Elsa can’t work next week. I need to fill her Intern position.

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i always wanted a girl just like you

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