I took these pix yesterday with phone camera then edited using photo edit. I’m using WordPress for Android to blog this and I’m testing out all the options right now. I’ve named this sexy little phone the Motorola ‘Stone‘ Milestone. My Netbook is Bobby and this is my now other computer and our relationship is getting pretty serious.
You can use HTML in the post window of the WP app which would be helpful if you knew it really well. I’m not totally ‘fluent’ but I like it. You’re able to change the image size but not to ANY size, only by 100’s. Not ideal but ok. I’m sure that will be added sometime.
I’ve notived that my dear Bobby has been a bit neglected since I’ve been spending most my time with my paws on Stone. Mobile posting is so convenient. Because the camera on this baby takes such great pix, it allows me to cut out any time uploading images or editing on computer.
If you thought I blogged lots before, jus’ wait.