One of 1188’s latest ventures is Occupied VR and last night they were on ETalk! Ben Mulroney tried the experience they designed for David Cronenberg’s Body Mind Change. (You might remember me taking part in Body Mind Change last year.) The Rift Teaser launches on the 24th of November. I tried it at the office and it was intense. It’s amazing how immersive Oculus is when you’re tapped into sight and sound. It totally freaked me out, I jumped up out my seat and screamed!
Later this week I’m attending the monthly We Are Wearables meet up at MaRS Discovery District. There’s still a few tickets if you’d like to join! (Free) There’s a Smartwatch Panel w/Motorola & TELUS with a discussion on Nielsen’s recent Connected Life survey on Canadian Trends in wearables and wearable consumers.
I was really into social media before it hit the mainstream and I’m really into wearables lately. Sometimes it’s hard to believe how huge social media has become, I can only imagine the impact wearable technology will have on us over the next five years. I want to know and learn as much as I can!

I’ve been thinking about how connected I am to the internet and it’s rare I go 15 5minutes without my phone having a notification, checking email, or taking a photo. I was working away and my battery died this morning and to be honest, I was so productive for that period of time! Techlogy makes us more productive and distracts us all the same.
I’ve got lots to get done today so here’s to productivity!
It may be freezing cold outside (if you are in NA) but try not to let it get you down. Put on all your winter warmies and greet the day with a smile.