she’s gonna grow up and write a book about you

I had a blog before this one, it was on myspace, it still is. It’s called it ‘It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be” after a favorite book by Paul Arden. It’s all writing and poetry. I revisited it today, it had been since 2007 that I logged into myspace. I guess you could say I’ve been kinda busy. I have two accounts casieandjenie and misscasiestewart. November 25 2004 I am spinning, sitting here thinking.Thoughts of you run from my heart, past my mind Turning round in my head. Touching me all day. One day, you might be mine. You light my fire, you are my star.Will I see you tomorrow? Will I ? I will be with you again.I feel your energy, moving in the air.When you are around, you put a twinkle in my eye.I want you close to me, I think you want me too. August 10, 2006 crazie//: casie.racie.spacie.energetic. dynamic.distinct. animated. always entertaining.fastmoving. neverslowingdown. sexy.preppy. intellectuallystimulating. delicate and decent. like diana, ladylike, its her middle name. a very laid back kind of girl. sort of radiant. sparkling the way the sun shines, when even out of sight and glowing, gleaming. she even she has a sister stewart. sibling. she’s also social & s.m.a.r.t.May 22, 2006There is no price imaginable that could buy all my creativity, for it is infinite and contagious. We are all units and we are all united.

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quit your swining, swine baby

Rainy day again. I was watching the news about Swine Flu last night. Creepy stuff. I started thinking to myself. 1. Good thing I didn’t go to Mexico 2. Who did go to Mexico that I’ve hung out with and could contaminate me and kill me? Hopefully I’m safe. Last night I sat on the couch and and started drawing a comic strip. It’s Elsa Cohen’s Adventures in Super Blogging. I’m working on it. Here’s a first sketch for now…I also took some time to read old stuff I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. I thought all these things when I was 15. I still think it’s important to be yourself, I still love McDonald’s and you are never to old to play in leaves or snow. Have a great day! What I think (1996) from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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an old guy

I was living in Fort Wayne, Indiana with for part of 2005. It was an interesting experience living in the US. I like Canada better. I didn’t work (no visa) and spent most days around the house, burning DVD’s and writing. 12/5/2005 at 12:36 PM Sitting here feeling warm, Watching the sun shine on my arm. Without a job I bought more time, The cost is starting to cross the line. Do the chores clean the house, This place is quiet as a mouse! The snow is melting outside the door, As winter passes like the year before. Many changes the year has brought, Many lessons have been taught. To the kitchen to make a meal, Wearing an apron & stiletto heels.

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fond, found, fortune, fashion, focus

I’m wearing a mum outfit today. Her old belt that still smells like New Zealand and a shortened Dashiki that matches my orange vintage boots. Tomorrow is going to warm but today its so windy and cold. I think I’m going to write on my way in more often. I lost my computer and ipod so now I use what I got, my device and thoughts and spend less time on the actual computer. I’m inspired in the morning, except for sporadic days when I am not. I usually wake up with a smile. Damn its cold. This morning I woke up to a message from a friend that said he’s in London England and the style there reminds him of me. I think that’s the nicest thing ever. I’ve never been to London but I know about style there. I can’t type as fast as thoughts fly, I can barely talk that fast and when I do its funny and I sound like a nut. I missed a call from a magazine editor last night. I wonder what he wants? H has the closing party for his art show tonight and I’m also planning to chat with Poster Boy. I’m going to make some. Cut and paste was one of my most favorite things to do at the kitchen table when I was younger. It still is along with writing. I wrote a poetry book in 1996 called Jeans. It’s not on Amazon because its out of print, its time for a new book. We started our publishing company without Internet and did it old the fashion way. We learned a lot. Its seems so easy now. I forgot my sunnies, the vintage ones from France. They would have matched perfect. As I take off my jacket I forget…

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arts & culture writer = me

I wrote an article a few months back about a fascinating artist named Michael Golland. Afterwards, I found out that it was going to be the feature cover story! I was quite excited given I’m yet to have ‘write a cover story’ checked off my list. An excerpt is below. You can read the whole article here. “He wants people to be captivated, to find and immerse themselves in their flow of consciousness. Michael’s art is about finding the Zen within and connecting to its powerful energy. His paintings are unique and recognizable. Fluid lines dance across the canvas creating trajectory spaces filled with monochromatic colors. He aims to draw connections between the objects, the lines, the space, the spirit within and the essence of life itself. Michael was born in Yorkshire, England during the Second World War.” [get all the juice]

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all the things i said i said i would do before the sun came out and wanted me to enjoy it

Today, I am reminded of a poem I wrote in Australia. It was 7am, I was walking with my feet in the ocean on Bondi Beach. It was my favorite time of day. Peace, bliss, energy, sunlight ; it was freedom. This untitled poem is my most favorite one I’ve written, I think. There are so many! I’m in the process of picking my favorites so I can have a new book out later this year. Enjoy! As the waves crashed on the shore,the wind washed them away.And as I walked along the sand,I felt I could not stray.For I was walking towards the sun,and it was a brand new day.Casie Stewart 2004

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