kiss me like that in your fall attire please
Feeling some serious arthrisis today. Ankle and arm wrapped in castor oil compress. Mum would be proud. She’s still sailing away to Bahamas, they won’t get there until some time near winter. Feels like Fall today, air is cooler, sun is hiding. Summer is deff over. I’ve got a stay in bed all day kinda feeling but I can’t do that, I’ve got work to do. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Need to send more info to NZFW for my visit. I can’t believe I am going to NZ. Send stats to Wakestock too. This next year is gong to be really exciting. I hope to get to Europe and/or Asia (just throwin it out there). Haven’t seen my sis lately. Have an event tomorow night at Andrew Richard Designs to see the new stuff from Gap and the launch of online shopping. Happy to be making friends with Gap Inc., my first job was at a Gap store in 1996. I’m in love with Fall fashion and can’t wait to rock tights and jackets again. Boots, I miss wearing boots. I hardly wore open toes this summer, I’m just not that into it. Looks like we’re gonna have a big crowd at Gladstone for TweetgasmTO tonight. GenyTO Thursday will be good too. Love that we’re getting more people out to meet & greet each other. Listening to Yacht today, good band and chill for working. I need hocus focus please. Go go gadget focus. Enjoy the day. You are the youngest today you will ever be. Don’t ever forget that 🙂 See you tonight.
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