Entrepreneurs Unite!

My friends at BizLaunch recently asked some of their entrepreneurs to complete a short questionnaire about their own business and offer small business advice to their network. I’ve included an excerpt from my interview. You can read it in its entirety by following the links to the BizLaunch blog where you will find a collection of advice and information from Canadian small business entrepreneurs. Tell us Your Story 1. Who are you and what business did you start? Casie Stewart, Toronto , www.casiestewart.com 2. Why did you start your own business? I started a publishing company and published my first book at 14, an anthology of poetry and prose. I’ve always been a writer and with the many resources available online, I thought a website & blog was a good step. 3. What has been your biggest challenge so far? My biggest challenge is finding the time between my full time day job and the venture. Click here to read the rest!

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My Pearly Whites

Today I received a nice little package of Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips from my friends at Matchstick. I read the instructions and excitedly put the strip on my teeth. I am wearing it now. It tingles a bit and tastes like mint. A very ‘Listeriney ‘ (made that one up!) taste. It seem like it is kinda dissolving, it takes about 10-15 minutes. I’d like to use the strips all day and make my teeth uber white, super fast. I really need to find a Toronto Dentist now I think about it! I’m due for a visit. I remember I fell asleep with a Crest strip on once. I woke up, had a glass of water and screamed, my teeth were SOOOOOO sensitive. I surely do not recommend sleeping with white strips on. It hurts. My teeth are already pretty white so I’m not sure how the strips will work on me. Maybe my teeth will start glowing! One of my friends had her teeth whitened at a Dentist Fort Wayne so we have been sharing teeth whitening tips. Hopefully mine will be as bright as hers one day. That would be awesome. Maybe if I had kept my teeth in good condition from the start and had followed advice from my dentist in Glen Rock, perhaps I wouldn’t be in need of the strips but here we are… Now my teeth are looking a little whiter, I have been seriously contemplating treating myself to some Invisalign aligners. I have always wanted straighter teeth and therefore I think that now could be the right time to do something about it. An old colleague of mine who lives in Arizona recently had her Invisalign fitted by a Dentist in Yuma so I might have to ask her for some advice.…

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A Saturday in Kensington

We went into “This Ain’t the Rosedale” to check out some books. I got 2 really creative mini ones that fit great in the purse. I love those little ones. Trying on fancy hats is always one of my favorite things to do, along with trying on stuff and taking my picture in it. I went to Bungalow and as I was leaving but then found this totally rad dress that was black with RED LEATHER! I knew it must be tried on, by me. Obviously. I went to the Cameron House and the bathroom stall I went into your DJ Scootz in it from 2007. Rad! Charlie and I read books there and listened to some live music. He tried on my glasses and put his book upside down for the pic by accident. I think it looks intellectual. I dug for some scarves to find jems. Got hooked up these. Those vintage babies were only a buck a piece. God I love that, I make it look a million bux! All & all, I haven’t had a Saturday afternoon in Kensi like that for a couple weeks and it was lovely.

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True Dat Palin!

Oh snap! This one is bad. lol “The overall teen birth rate rose slightly in 2006 after steadily declining since 1991, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report shows the birth rate for teenagers ages 15-19 rose 3 percent between 2005 and 2006. That translates to 41.9 births per 1,000 in 2006, a decline of 34 percent from the all-time high of 61.8 births per 1,000 in 1991.”It’s way too early to know if this is the start of a new trend,” Stephanie Ventura, head of the Reproductive Statistics Branch at CDC, said in a prepared statement. “But given the long-term progress we’ve witnessed, this change is notable.”

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Cool down, down, don’t act a fool now now….

OMG – The World’s First ANTI-ENERGY Drink….this is what my boyfriend would give me when he wants to relax! He’ll say “chill baby, have this” and VOILA, leaning back on the couch all mellowed out.Its carbonated Grape and Melatonin that goes great with Vodka!From the Press Release: “From design to production, every aspect of this calming drink was inspired by today’s popular hip hop artists who embrace the much sought-after hip hop lifestyle that encourages people to capture a stress-free state of mind.” “Turns out, this is a carbonated, grape-flavored beverage spiked with melatonin, valerian root and rose hips. Apparently it is “very, very popular in Houston,” and it’s sold throughout the south in liquor and convenience stores.” The article goes on to say its great with Vodka!! YAHOOOO! Drinky, drinky, sleep sleep…… “So, does it make you sleepy? I asked the publicist. Yes, and she hears it’s good with vodka. Oh, something that makes it more likely I’ll fall asleep while drinking? Excellent.” This was Perez’s Post today!

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Vice Magazine – Show your love for NZ!!

Being a Kiwi, as great as it is, I enjoyed that VICE featured NZ in their global trend report. However, with all the focus on cities around the world, they managed to put NZ, the COUNTRY, not a city such as Auckland or Wellington, or hell, Palmy either!! Here’s what they said: “It’s slightly disappointing that no one in this majestic land actually looks like Frodo or Xena. Yes, that is all most of us know about New Zealand. Oh, and Flight of the Conchords, which isn’t the funniest thing ever, but it’s a little bit funny once in awhile. Eagle Vs. Shark was pretty good too—like Napoleon Dynamite but with cute accents and kind of sadder. What other good movies were made in New Zealand? Oh yeah, Heavenly Creatures. That’s an old fave. So anyway, instead of mythical creatures and lesbian schoolgirls, what we have here is a bunch of young cool kids being cool in their cool clothes that, we are slowly coming to realize, are the same cool clothes as everywhere else in the world. Globalization blah blah blah. Nevertheless, New Zealanders look like a pretty good time. It’s like new rave never stretched its poisonous tentacles all the way over there or something. NZ girls are good at mix ’n’ match. High-end designer pieces (Yohji Yamamoto Y’s, Zambesi) are carefully thrown together with more “street” items and bits of vintage. (MY FAV!) A simple black-and-white outfit accented with a Chanel purse plus arm tattoos plus pink hair with long bangs plus Docs equals “Let’s do this.” And wait, is that a tattoo of the Little Mermaid on her arm? OK, fine, let’s fucking do this. Everything is black-and-white, and color only occurs in the context of a perfect plaid shirt, which is harder to find than…

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