celebrity endorsement for a good time #bridlebash

Last Thursday a me & some of the blog girls were guests to Cabbie’s Celebrity ping pong tourney. I played for my very first time & it’s fun! We’ve got a table at our condo and thinking about having our own “twing twong” with Carol and some other Twitter tweeps. Team Bijan took the trophy once again. Look at these guys, they beat ALL the young whippersnappers. Heard a rumor Bijan was once world champ or something…Hawaii can you confirm this fact?? Jallore got a couple pix from the after-party and boy am I glad cause Cabbie cracks me up. Look at his shirt ‘Plan B $29.99‘ BAAAAAHAHAHA. Oh man, so many jokes running through my head right now… If you don’t know what plan B is (Mum?) it’s an over the counter ‘don’t get pregnant’ pill combo for after sexual relations/condom mishap. When I asked him about it, he said he always pays. Everybody loves a HOE train? Look at Cabbie’s face, BAAHAHA. (Actually laughed out loud, hence the caps.) Loved this blonde girl, she had great dance moves and a rocking body. She’s so beautiful compared to Sheffi’s ass. Spent most of the night talking about blogging The Bridle Bash this summer. Bridle Bash parties are easily the best I’ve ever been to. Last time (in my friends backyard) the party raised about $500,000 and had over 1,000 people. Serious house party. I’ll be doing roll call for an entourage of hotties to join me. I’ve got a bit of a history of rolling up to the red carpet with about a dozen beauties. Stay tuned 😉

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believe in your self, dedication and discipline

This article was in the Toronto Metro yesterday & written by Rea McNamara. If you click on it you can read it  easier (Mum/Dad/friends).  I’ve worked really hard the last couple years on this whole social media thing. SO MANY late nights at home alone  with my computer, fiddling around with blog posts, learning HTML, installing/fixing wordpress plugins, editing photos and more. I’ve got over 21,000 tweets for christs sake, that’s a big time investment right there. Building a brand online takes work,  it takes work every single day whether you are building it for personal or business use. You just gotta stick at it. One of the best things I learned from my Mum is “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, it just means you have to be more creative“. Creativity & determination don’t cost anything, yet they have gotten me further than anything else.  All the social media sites I use are FREE. I use them often and yes, it takes up lots of my time but THAT has been my investment. It’s also how I got one of the coolest jobs ever. Thank you for the feedback & positive comments. I love hearing from you. Got some great messages from people lately that inspire me to stick at it when sometimes I don’t feel like internetting. April 27th is my blog’s birthday and I think it deserves a party.

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avoiding a case of the mondays

Set a goal this week to take more photos.  Found my camera charger and now I’ve got two batteries and no excuses not to use it. Lets play show & tell… This old Mason jar contains vintage buttons. Mum had them in the basement and it smells vintage when you open it.  (you said I could take it Mum) This part of the book shelf has sex related books that never get looked at. Also in Mum’s basement are about 10,000 McDonalds Happy Meal toys. We obsessively collected them when I was growing up and heaps of them are still in their packages. We would go to Mc Donalds just to get the toys if they were barbie, beanie babies or something cool.  I still do it.  Last year they had Hello Kitty and Barbie and I tried to get them all. I’m putting this here as a reminder to myself (and you) to not stress this week. I hate stressing. It pisses me off. I prefer to be relaxed and happy. Don’t you?

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what do you wanna be when you grow up?

I remember being young and sitting in front of the mirror, talking to myself telling myself stories. Mum said I used to do it all the time. Funny to me now that I tell myself stories on the internet everyday. Last night I had a dream…I worked at a major media company, I had lots of responsibilities and my job was making it more social. I woke up…it was a dream…it is a dream and it’s also a reality. I’m doing it, I really am, this is my life. Hosted my first meeting today for some marketing and digital people in one of the big meeting rooms where magic happens. It made me really excited. I’ve been having fun this week with this new thing I started this week called formspring. Anyone can ask me a question about anything and I answer. I ask you…What do you wanna be when you grow up?

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get it fired up in a hurry, wanna get dirrty

I’m watching Holiday Wrap’s 100 top vids and it’s great. Christina’s Dirty is on right now. I LOVED this song so hard. We had a dance to the whole thing. We used to do it at the bar. We’d even go early to practice. Loose Change Louie’s & The Rev in Waterloo were THE SPOTS back then. I was living at Mum’s and in College at Conestoga in Kitchener. Sarah Baker, Buddy, Gay, I know you remember that shit! It was awesome. We were always dancing back then… Is Rev still cool? I checked out the site and it made me think of Jersey Shore right away. haha

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Down with the Sickness! How to Do a Thyme Bath

Today I woke up sniffly with sinus congestion feeling lethargic. Sadly, mama’s got a cold/flu. Tonight, before bed I’m gonna do a Thyme bath. It’s one of Mum’s herbal remedies. In my history, the one that has worked to cure a cold the very best. When you get sick, go buy some  Thyme from the store like in the photo (I’m using two of these small dried bags). Get your biggest pot, fill it with water and boil the water/thyme. Now go run a bath, as hot as. The thyme will settle to the bottom of the  big pot eventually. It will also smell nice in your house (Dad hated it, but I love!) Pour the water from the pot into the hot  bath straining the little green thyme bits out. Get in the hot hot bath, sit there as long as you can before dying of heat. Then, get out dry off, dress warm, put on socks, hat, scarf and go to BED. Sleep. Wake up feeling better. Rinse and repeat again the next night if you’re not better (you can even use the same thyme/pot). Take Oil of oregano too. Thanks Mum for teaching me this trick. Works every time!

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