what a beautiful wedding.

I love her. Stunning dress. Iconic fashion momnent right here. Very Grace Kelly. I love him Prince William. Pippa, the brother. Prince Harry. Ahem CTV, AISLE – ISLE? Posh & Becks. Your Mum would be proud. Tweeting the wedding this morning with the world was so much fun. Off to Marilyn Denis w/ Shelly for the wedding reception event/show. Going to my old work for a party with new client = WIN! Gah, WTF am I gonna wear… Happy ‘Royal’ Friday 🙂 * Photos all random from tumblr

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fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie)

Mum got these at a garage sale when I was a kid. We’ve had them forever. I can hardly believe I still fit in this one. It’s so very pretty. Took forever to iron. I really should be getting on my way now. Probs gonna rain *SOON* as I leave the house. Toot-a-looooo!

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the royal wedding live on @youtube

I can’t deny for even one second how excited I am about the Royal Wedding. I know it’s cheezy and I’m not one for wedding talk but I love this. I really do. I’ve told you heaps of times how much Mum loved Diana and my middle name is ‘Diana’ after her. This wedding guys, it’s just, so MASSIVE. MASSIVE not just in the guestlist, dress or whatever, I’m talking security and the footprint this baby is gonna make on the internet. It might explode. The engagement was announced by on Twitter by the British Monarchy and since then the online prep for the wedding has been huge.  You can catch the big event Friday on youtube’s Royal Channel or traditional tv. Have some fun things planned in spirit of the royal event. Wednesday is high tea at The Windsor Arms with She Does the City, O’Nizzle & Raymi will be there too. There’s only 30 people  and we’re in the tea room. Looking forward to everyones outfits. I might wear one of these vintage numbers Jenie & I rocked during Fashion Week circa 2006. Friday morning I’m stopping by my old work at 299 Queen for The Marilyn Denis Show with my client Shelly Purdy. Shelly is giving away a diamong ring on Facebook here. Go enter to win it. She designed a beautiful collection inspired by the Royal Wedding called The Royals. A cute blonde girl you know made her beautiful website. THE FUTURE is INTERNET. P.S. Lady Gaga as Queen of Twitter “I love you and love yourself.”

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photoset: spring hits toronto, down by the lake

Love this dress. Boots Jenie got second hand then gave to me. LOVE YOU! Beautiful. This is how you know it it Spring. Isn’t it so pretty? Yes. (Turn head/ipad sideways) Now we are at the Toronto Music Garden. My fav spot. Listening to this: Norwegian Wood It is very pretty here. I love taking photos. Am I creative genius? I heard someone say that. Sabrina’s Mum picked out these tights. Flowers, blue. ILU. My religionon Facebook is “when the sun shines through the clouds”. I feel so at peace when I come here. This reno is new this summer. I took the path less travel by and it made all the difference 🙂

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I seriously have the coolest Mum. Watched a vid of her in Bahamas on the houseboat. Despite her wishes, I will youtube 🙂 # i wouldn't kick @mrssharonnewman out of my barn either. #yandr # messaging about live events is THE FUTURE. no matter what media. twitter is just a vehicle for a message. # BBM, EMAIL PHONE, MSN ustream, tweet me RT Canada bans election-night tweeting on pain of $25K fine via @BoingBoing http://t.co/uABjlye # #nowplaying @annacyzon 'Reputation' from @textualitymovie # have a date w/ @jeniestewart tonight. be jeals! 🙂 # looking forward to working tomorrow when most of you have the day off! i get to catch up 🙂 #joblove #bloglove # yahooooooooooooooo! bike tuneup & blog post coming soon. gonna be back on the road in no time! # inspired by @textualitymovie to make him a mixtape 🙂 <3 # JOB: P/T (Fri and Sun) Asst. photo editor at The Globe Position http://post.ly/1vhxs # i'm still in the top 5 biz stocks on @empireave, get'em while they're hot! #CASIE http://www.empireavenue.com/leaders/shareprice # via @fashionights: http://tumblr.com/xmj27kyc7b # y'know what i'm doing Sunday for Easter? spa date! # Drag queens & sock monkeys? http://on.fb.me/cCkkFb # YO @shawnhawaii MUST be in the Top 10 by tomorrow. He is 11, take ONE SEC to vote for him! http://bit.ly/fAqCcc # Can you guess how much this D&G print t-shirt is at Harry Rosen? http://twitpic.com/4no96r # Peeps – If you visited York, Durham, Markham, Ajax, or anywhere around there, here's easy $100 for you > https://casiestewart.com/jobs # Asked a question on FB, would love your answers! http://facebook.com/casiestewart # good date movie, good girl movie, highly relevant: #textuality http://goo.gl/fb/HgB85 #blog # late on the blogging today, duty calling. # lights & music on my mind # who can cover something for me in NY Ap.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: Day 103 http://tumblr.com/xmj23xpkwp # oh y’know, just hanging out with my fav couple talking Ken & Video Barbie 🙂 http://dailybooth.com/u/8wdl3 # Today’s winner for @iamdiddy is Avery Bilz! See you Sunday at the concert 🙂 http://post.ly/1tU0l # Jerk chicked sandwich + rice & peas (@ Ackee Tree) http://4sq.com/hGpsjZ # #Netflix recos? # super nerds & mayors around the world unite! #4sqday http://goo.gl/fb/kK0ba #blog # April. 26th: @artbattleTO 12 & 13 on the SAME night. My post from AB 11 https://casiestewart.com/art-battle-11-toronto # gonna hear to ackee tree for lunch 2pm. lunch date? # get this boy his dream job! Takes 2 sec to vote @shawnhawaii #ultimateblogger http://bit.ly/hX6DKX # Photo: › Marketing Campaign of the Day: Ad agency [McCann Worldgroup] sent a life-size kid model soaring… http://tumblr.com/xmj23rx6pg # Photo: Mum used to rock this style. Wish I still had her jeans! borninflames: http://tumblr.com/xmj23rwovn # Photo: love this sweater http://tumblr.com/xmj23rwj6a # tumblr kinda day – wish i could just crawl right into my computer and snuggle up w/ tumblr & tea # what’s for lunch? # yes! RT @Mariomiotti: Ahhh excellent news! wash over me like sunshine, no matter the cloudy day outside! #positivefeelings # Fun but not as fun as a real ipad! 😛 RT @anniecolbert: iPad dry erase board http://post.ly/1tNzP # really, J.Lo? # guess who? http://twitpic.com/4ke25b # gonna make some friendship bracelets this weekend for my BFFs. # Looks like my official Kate Middleton ring will arrive next week. Yay! I’m so Royal-ey. # i need a yoga. # guess what i am picking out right now…..jewelery……..very special…….http://bit.ly/hnTJji # dear @ladygaga, can you please take extensions out of your shoulders & cheeks? ILU but that shit freaks me out. you were not born that way. # audition for a NDP campaign? no thanks, nothing religious or political for me!…

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