Day 59: Support Your Friends!

Right now, more than ever we need to support our friends! We are all in this together and we will get through it by being there for each other, at a distance!

Social media is an amazing tool to share the things you love, you like, and support others. This tweet has been pinned to the top of my Twitter profile for over a year!

Last night I joined in a pop-culture trivia game on Facebook hosted by my friend Alex. Follow her on IG @lexniko, I love the content she creates and she’s funny AF.

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que pasa #cincodemayo #xæa12

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Today my friend Mariah sent me a message about her latest project, a film called Pamela & Ivy. I know I don’t do movies reviews often but today her message came just as I was about to have lunch. So, I watched it and put a few notes into a post here. You can also watch the full 16-minute film in the post or on YouTube.

Mariah and I had been internet friends for a little while and last year we met for a coffee date. It was so since to meet face-to-face! I am inspired by her work and how much she has accomplished at a young age. She founded GTE Productions at 21 and is an award-winning actress & filmmaker. Her talent is out of this world!

After lunch, I went to the post office to ship a wee package of a card & friendship bracelet + an item from Knixwear. I am so impressed with their customer service! A couple of weeks ago I placed an order from the warehouse sale and when the package arrived, the order wasn’t correct. That same afternoon I was refunded for the missing items and they asked that the wrong size item I received was gifted to a friend or Women’s Shelter. I loved that idea so I sent it to a friend!

If you love creating content and know someone who is making it, tell them, share their posts with your friends. We all need to stick together!

Canadian Women in Film | Review: Pamela & Ivy

My friend Mariah messaged me today about her latest project Pamala & Ivy. I know I don’t write film reviews that often but this film was written and produced by Canadian women in film and I am happy to show some support!

I watched the 16-minute feature over lunch. You can watch it below or on YouTube.

This is Mariah! Award-winning Actor & Director, Producer @gteproductionsinc

Pamela & Ivy is the untold, female-made, feminist origin story of DC antiheroine Poison Ivy. The film is beautifully shot and although short, has strong characters. I was taken in from the first 60 seconds. I am so proud this was created by someone I know and by strong Canadian women in film.

Watch Pamela & Ivy Below!

GTE Presents: A film by Leah McKendrick Produced by Mariah Owen PAMELA & IVY Every Villain Has An Origin. #PamelaAndIvyFilm

Day 58: Focus Your Power

I keep a stack of creative books beside my computer on the table where I work in the kitchen. Sometimes when I’m feeling a creative block, unmotivated, or sad, I grab one and open it to a random page. For mother’s Day, I opened Rupi Kaur‘s ‘the sun and her flowers‘ to a poem with advice from a mum. Today, I opened Adam J. Kurtz book ‘Things Are What You Make of Them‘ to this page. Most of the time, the universe seems to know exactly what I need and presents a message on the page. I see you.

What even is fashion? My Quarantine Style this week has been a bit wild. It’s still quite cold up here so I need to layer up. It’s hard to believe the long weekend is days away and we had a couple of flurries today. SPRING WHERE ARE YOU!? Here’s hoping we jump right into summer! Next week we might crack temps over 20 degrees.


Day 57: In Transition

This week, for the first time since the start of Iso, I really fell behind on my daily diary. From 2008-2012 I blogged pretty much every single day. I enjoy the routine of doing things, documenting them, and writing it down. It’s amazing how therapeutic a diary can be. So many times I’ve gone back to a special day, a keyword, a month, an image, to remember the moment. I love to see how things have changed, how the world was, or to reflect on who I was at the time.

I have grown and changed a lot over the 15 years I’ve had this blog. I think I’ll change a lot through COVID-19 too. The current situation is forcing us all to reevaluate what matters, who matters, and how we can be better humans.

We all have the ability to take a birds-eye view of our lives right now. The world is in transition and so are we.

Side note, I learned how to do a hair wrap with a t-shirt thanks to my friend Jak! Grab a large shirt and check out her DIY on Instagram!

Day 56: For The Mamas

Mums, step-moms, grandmas, sisters, pet mums, plant mums, sister and friends who are there for us with mum love, today is for you.

Had a nice chat with my mum and then went to a garden centre. We Facetimed Sean’s mum and had her pick out a big beautiful hanging plant to go at the cottage front door.

In the evening, I did a self-care spa including a foot mask, face mask, and watched Dead to Me in bed while drinking rosé. It was nice! Good show.

Sending special love to my mum who had been a source of strength and inspiration every day of my life. I love you so much! She always has good advice, a creative idea, or the right thing to say when I need it.

You are a legend, Mum!
This has been on Mum’s fridge since I was in high school.
i am so proud of my mum because... | Casie Stewart - This Is My Life
Mum when she sailed to Bahamas with Steve!

Day 55: Let It…Snow?

Would you believe it snowed if I didn’t have a photo to prove it!? Yes, May 9th, 2020, snow. Not just any snow, a full blanket of tiny snowballs coated everything around us.

I had a small birthday party on Zoom last night and it was super fun! I’m quite proud of myself for not staying up too late or drinking too much. Woke up today feeling good but also like I needed rest. I did not run today. Decided to take a day to recharge my batteries. Having a birthday can take a lot out of you, add the anxiety of your birthday in a pandemic and it’s kinda overwhelming. I am truly blessed to have such a great group of friends. Lauren started a thing where each person took a minute to say what they liked most about me and it was so nice. I feel loved and appreciated! THANK YOU FRIENDS!

Sean and I had a productive day of watching ENTIRE SEASONS of both Hollywood (miniseries) and Into the Night. Both shows were good. Very different vibes as Hollywood is sexy, fun, and dramatic while Into The Night is a doomsday thriller. Next up, I’m going to tackle S2 of Dead to Me which I think I can finish in a day. The way this is going we’re going to need summer or more shows! If you have any recos, please share!