where is drew carey anyways?

he is so funny.

I’m watching “Who’s Line is it Anyway?” and the snow has finally settled down for the night. This this the best show, it is genius, simple, whitty, fun and smart. It makes me laugh so fucking hard.

I like the games they play.
I think they are fun.
This is my favorite part:

“everything is made up and the points don’t matter”

pants off party

My invite is on its way I guess…

“I have a Jager machine in my bus and one in the dressing room. I also have a new dressing-room rule, which I started over the summer: You must remove one article of clothing- your pants, your top- ore else you are not allowed in my dressing room. So in order to come back and dance and party you gotta take off some clothing. That gets the fucking party started so quick. Everyone’s walking around topless, and shit’s going, music’s bumping, girls are dancing on the table, and you’re like, Okay this is perfect.”

Tommy Lee tells the new issue of Playboy

thanks betsy

My darling love, Ms. Betsy J. is planning a limited-edition design collaboration with an undisclosed retailer. Yahooooooooooooooooo! She’s reducing costs on her next runway show and creating a recession proof line of clothes that are more affordable for kids like us.

the promiscuous economist reader

This week the Economist published an interesting article entitled “Sex and the Citizen‘. It showed a detailed breakdown of what countries are the most promiscuous. I found it interesting. They surveyed 14,000 people in 48 countries. Questions ranged from “how many one-night stands have you had?” to” is sex without love acceptable, or sex with casual partners?”. Researchers gathered the answers and determined the results. I found the comments on the article to be quite interesting!
It’s a bit funny actually. Finland and New Zealand rank highest and Bangladesh and Taiwan are the lowest. I’m pretty surprised that France, Italy and Australia were not closer to the top of the list! Boooya!

what a little snot face

Miss ScarJo has a cold and blew her nose. She blew it two times.

This Little Miss went on NBC’s “Tonight” talk show this week to promote her new movie, “The Spirit.” Supposedly, she’d caught the cold from co-star Samuel L. Jackson, and felt her illness had value because it was passed down from one celebrity to another. How cheese. Leno handed her a tissue and after spreading some germs with her snot and a bit of lipstick she decided to sell it on eBay to raise money for the hunger relief charity USA Harvest. the most interesting part is…Thursday morning, the snot rag had over 60 bids and some dick face is paying $2,050.

I have a cold too. My bid starts at $100. Who wants it?


Mary Mason from Waterloo, Ontario!!

This year we are all bombarded by pressure to give and spend money, all the while facing difficult times in the economy & job market. Take a moment to read Mary’s touching holiday memory, it brought tears to my eyes. Remember, just because you don’t have money or a big family around, there is always opportunity to share, give and spread joy to others.

Mary is the proud winner of Organza gift set thanks to Givenchy. Organza highlights the femininity of every woman- that of the mother and the lover. Organza awakens the goddess within and is the perfect fragrance for an exceptional and timeless woman as it combines elegance, richness and purity.
Congratulations Mary!
Thank you to everyone who sent in holiday memories. Stay tuned for more contest giveaway’s in 2009!

Mary’s Touching Story

Most Meaning Full Christmas:

As we head into the holiday season and we worry about economical uncertainty I would like to share my most meaning full Christmas that my children still talk about today and one that changed our lifes for ever.

I was recently divorced from a 23 year marriage, had just entered back into the work force after being an “at home mom” and money was very tight. With no extended family to celebrate Christmas with I was feeling alone. I had in the past always got through sad times by reaching out and helping others. So I talked an idea over with my children.

We would open our home to anyone we knew who would be alone for Christmas evening dinner. Instead of buying gifts we would use the money to prepare our Christmas celebration. We would prepare everything for supper in the morning and in the afternoon we would volunteer to help serve Christmas dinner to the needy at a local restaurant.

What a day! At the restaurant strangers arrived with cooked turkeys and prepared food offering to help. Small children sat with their families and were served this fabulous meal and to see their delight was amazing. There was music and laughter and such a sense of community spirit.

That evening we had 12 people to celebrate the love and caring of Christmas in our home. A wonderful evening that has become a Christmas tradition.

When my eldest daughter returned to school after the holidays her teacher asked each student to share a holiday story with the class. When she finished her story about our Christmas day her teacher was in tears.

We all can make a difference.

Merry Christmas, Mary Mason