yesterday on twitter, this happened:

…staying up waiting for @VirginGR’s Project on #iPad.

Here’s a sneak peek on the new app that comes to the app store tonight at 12:01am. I need to download it right away so I can play with it before I meet Richard Branson. Maybe I can talk nerdy to him?

There’s a contest associated with designing the new cover and some more technical info on Mashable if you’re into it. I’ll share it with you tomorrow!

Nighty night!

Phot is by the lovely Lynsie Roberts. She shot me in September before New Zelaland Fashion Week.

peace, love & cupcakes #toronto from @virginamerica!!

Ladies and gentlemen of Toronto,

It’s my duty as Virgin America Provocateur to share with you the awesome that is Virgin America. Today, your day is about to get a little bit sweeter 😉

To celebrate Virgin America’s (tasty) in-flight food, we’re surprising people with with red velvet cupcakes today. YES, CUPCAKES!

Follow us both on Twitter > @casiestewart & @virginamerica (which you should already be doing) and when you’re out and about look for our Virgin America Street team. They will be at Union Station, King Street Station, and Dundas Square in the morning, Yonge & Dundas, Queen Street West, and King Street West at lunch, and Dundas Square, Air Canada Center, and Saint Andrews Station during the afternoon.

Keep your eyes peeled for the team cause they’ve got 2,500 cupcakes AND 20% discount coupons. Plus, to upgrade your Monday a little more, listen to Z103.5 and call-in-to-win 100% off tickets! Amazing, I know. Maybe, just maybe we can trick you into thinking it’s Friday!

I’ve got a VX flight out to LA tomorrow then to Dallas on Wednesday for a launch event. I finally get to meet Richard Branson andI reckon we’re gonna get along. Don’t cha think?

Peace, love and cupcakes! HAPPY MONDAY!


ho ho holy cow! here come the holidays!

Can you believe it’s almost December?! Time sure flies, eh? I’m getting ready for a month of travel (hello sunshine!), gift giving (to you from here) and looking back at all the great things I’ve done this year.

My friends at Notable TV have put together a list of things to make your holiday shopping easier. Here’s a few of my fav’s.  Marc Jacobs – Bang & LOLA. The ads for these are so very pretty. Have you smelled them? Nice.

Booze is always a good idea, especially if you are going to a party (or coming to my house), they recommend Jose Cuervo Silver. Nothing like a few tequila shots to get a party started! Aiaiaai!

My other fav on their list is this fancy and oh so stylish fireplace designed by a Sydney Architect called the Zeta. Look at this thing! Pure class.

It’s both mobile and  environmentally friendly. Ah, I would love to have one of these for my swanky New York loft (the one I dream about). For more gift ideas from Notable TV check out their full Gift Guide by clicking below and in the words of Julian Brass, STAY NOTABLE!

incredible india wecomes you!

Saturday night Brown Barbie and The Blondetourage hit up the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party at the Munition Factory. It was fun. Thanks Smirnoff!

Doesn’t this look like a bunch of fun?

Super cute, Keri & Raymi.

Say wha? 5 rupees? No way.

More blondes! Blonde Jovi!

There was heaps of food and a market with all kinds of things I reckon you’d find in India. Man I love a good theme party.

Christine, April, Carly. Babes.

Dance party!

Lauren’s BF Sean is the best. Great sport takin’ heaps of photos of us, THANK YOU!

You know this rascal.Always with the ladies 😉

Thanks Mum for having this wiked vintage Kaftan. It was a hit!

stella ella ola, beer me please!

Let the holiday gift giving begin!!

I’m giving away TWO invites for TWO (total of four) people to attend an exclusive evening at the Beer Institute on December 2nd, 2010 at 6:30 pm sharp.

I would LOVE to be there but I will be in LA. Just think…THIS COULD BE YOU!

The Beer Institute is an exclusive facility located at 207 Queens Quay W Suite 299. Toronto, ON (2nd Floor). It features a gorgeous bar featuring over 50 different beers, several lounges overlooking the waterfront, a games room and more.

Winners will be recieving:
* A brief seminar on everything beer
* Instruction on the 9-Step Stella Pouring Ritual
* The ability to bartend (to try out their newly learned 9-step pouring ritual)
* Sample a multitude of domestic and international beers BEER ME!
* Dinner
* Prizes

Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I’ve got a whole bunch of goodies up my sleeve to give you this month. It’s a big thank you from me and some of the great companies I’ve worked with this year for checking in daily to see what crazy awesome things I’m up to. I appreciate your love and it makes me really happy to share stuff with you.

I will be picking the TWO winners on Tuesday, Nov. 30th. All you have to do is log in w/ Twitter, Facebook or Disqus and leave a comment below.

Prize winners and their guest MUST arrive ON TIME (not late!) as the facility is not publicly accessible and someone has to escort you in. Oh you fancy huh? Yes.

Big thank you to Calvin at Boston Pizza Yonge Sheppard for hooking YOU up. Give him a high five at the event when you meet him 🙂