Morning everyone? Are ya ready? Let’s go.

We are gonna work-it-work-it.

Pushup skillz, I got em. Do you?

Oh yes please and thank you for making me do this. Hurts but a good hurt 😉

Work it.

When I’m down and I feel like giving up I think again, I whip my hair back and forth like this. Work it.

This all makes me look so fit nevermind the next post where I have a drink in every photo. Having a balance is very important too kids but most important is a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e.

NBD just air cycling. You’re welcome.

Burpees you know what those are? I had no clue. That’s what we’re all doing here.

The best thing for me about going to a gym where you are instructed and told what to be IS BEING instructed and told. I was a dancer growing up and I hated gym class in highschool. I never really knew how/felt comfortable working out on my own. I feel much better about the whole thing now.
How cute is this little angel April?

Known April for a while now. We met that one summer (1997?) I did American Pie Beta House. Look at me here hangin’ with the Beta boys on set. I hated that outit, had to wear it for a multiple days shooting a really long scene. That’s my sis and Ish in the front.

If you listen to happy upbeat music and mix in some dancing you will have more fun with your workout.

If you dance in your day you will have more fun with your life. Trust me on this, I know.
Workout inspiration/thinspiration is the Bodyrock Babe. Have you SEEN her body? OMG I die. So in shape it’s insane.

This exercise feels like burning. James is a really nice trainer and he put the bars lower just for me cause I’m short so I had to work extra hard. THANKS A LOT! (not kidding!)

Sabrina knows how to work it. Work it girl.

We had a whole convo about NY Fashion Week during the cool down stretching. April is going this week, she’s the cheeky PR girl for Buckler Canada. Cute face.

Talking fashion makes me happy as you can see. Ron Burgundy pose haha.

Ok, this is exhausting. Time for relax. The end.


If any of YOU want to come do the Re-Energizer Bootcamp with ME on Saturday afternoon at 3pm (Feb. 5th) this is your chance. There are four spots, lemme know in the comments & I will email you. Location is Dundas & Windemere, bout 12 min drive from my hood.
Get your booty in gear, get off the couch.

P.S. Check Lauren’s post about the Gino vs Hipster party on Cosmo TV’s blog