1. Login to Facebook
2. Click this link on.fb.me/hH8hYJ
3. Follow the instructions.
4. Tell friends.
5. Do it before 6pm.
6. Win, go to Diddy w/ your BFF.
no, you can’t borrow my book. if you like it go buy it.
This is one of my most favbourite books and I totally thought I lent it to someone. So glad I found it, I’ve been mad at myself for months.
MAD, angry. Angry like the wake up after you were so wasted you don’t remember what you did and your BFF is mad at you because you did something stupid. (As if NONE of you have ever had that happen?)
It’s an inspiring book. My copy is very special because it is filled with notes and drawings I did. It’s writted by Paul Arden. He is a creative genius who worked with Saatchi & Saatchi for over 15 years and did some really awesome ad campaigns.
I became obsessed with PHAIDON Publishing after I found this book which lead into an obsession with Saatchi. Safe to say, I was pretty stoked to work with the Toronto Saatchi office for the Toyota car recenetly.
I was so obsessed I wrote a letter to Roger Kennedy the Creative Director of Art and Design, Saatchi & Saatchi in the UK. I will have to dig that up because I bet reading it now & thinking of my former self would be quite charming or potentially inspiring/hilarious. Creativity & smartness are the way to my heart.
I picked up the book second hand at Gertrude & Alice, this darling little book shop on Hall Street in Bondi Beach, Australia. Why anyone would discard it is BEYONE me.
It was my favourite spot, so old & little and right beseide Le Paris-Go my fav French cafe. It was the ultimate hipster hangout before cool kids were called hipsters (was there 2004). I worked up the street at Vibes Boutique.
I’ve lent so many books outand almost al the time, they don’t come back. If you are one of my friends out there with one of my books,yes I want it back. More importantly, why haven’t you returned it yet?
I have been a lover of books all my life. When I was a kid Mum (a new immagrant to Canada) didn’t have that many friends so she used to take us to the library and hang out there. The librarian at the Preston Library branch, Mrs. Macdonald became a close friend and we were always in the Summer Reading Club.
Reading is cool guys.
#contest: for diddy tix txt me @ 416 476 7576
Wanna see Diddy Dirty Money at Koolhaus, Sunday April 17? Universal Music Canada & I wanna send you. There will be 12 of us going so quite a wolf pack. I hope he rocks some old jamz.
I dedicate this to all the pretty girls, all the pretty girls, all the pretty girls in the world, and the ugly girls too, cause to me your pretty anyways baby.
1. Txt me @ 416 476 7576 for instructions.
2. Go do what I tell you.
3. Photograph it.
4.Upload photo to internet, link to photo in comments below before 6pm.
5. Tweet “Hey @casiestewart, I got ya money. http://bit.ly/eebMu8“
6. Random winner chosen from comments by 9pm.
UPDATE: wiener is…
yesterday on twitter, this happened:
- super warm out right now. #
- Imma eat you (@ Z-Teca) http://4sq.com/gAQjhw #
- Gah. RT @THR: Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ Viewed Online More Than @LadyGaga, @JustinBieber Videos http://bit.ly/hLsSO2 #
- This is a good read: To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died via @ThoughtCatalog – To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died… http://tumblr.com/xmj230ows4 #
- the #yandr was very meh today. not enough sharon & @victornewman. #
- music: found this again today. listened like xx times. http://goo.gl/fb/wQOmD #blog #
- break for mama’s show. #yandr #
- love @youtube on #ipad + speakers. #
- java update. #talknerdy #
- surprising that only ONE person called the number i published today. bunch of txt’s as i asked though, you are so well behaved. #
- have you votedfor @shawnhawaii today? takes 2 sec. http://bit.ly/hX6DKX #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/-IunmW3wI5Q?a Selah Sue – Raggamuffin #
- Singing Selah Sue song after song. Do you know her? You’ll like this. http://youtu.be/-IunmW3wI5Q #
- Love it here. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/e1xbTa #
- Little visit to my loves. Congrats on great event last week! (@ Nella Bella Head Office) http://4sq.com/gpZoss #
- Loving the intern applications for @artstewmedia. Stew brewin’! #
- happy when rains so i can wear… http://dailybooth.com/u/8uz2l #
- i’d like you to play this one on guitar & we can sing it together. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/CbMeAOTPJzM?a) #
- same. RT @thatdrew: stop. showertime. #
- blog job: $100/post http://bit.ly/fV9iqn #humberPR #CCIT #CCPR #toronto #gta #
- weather this weekend was so nice. patio chills w/ @keriblog http://post.ly/1smQe #
- hey ducker. http://post.ly/1smGm #
- i have blogged more than 5x today on different sites. who says they have no time for blogging? pfffft. #
- Photo: › you know you’ve made it when you google yourself on the internet and this comes up via @gublersoup http://tumblr.com/xmj22v0a7t #
- nice to know. RT @SeanMoffitt: Contrary to popular belief, men more likely to say I love you first than women -MIT study #
- fashion: @torontobuckler – SS 2011 blog party * boys take note http://goo.gl/fb/DAeBH #blog #
- Photo: this makeup is scary/awesome http://tumblr.com/xmj22uq0q3 #
- you make mama the proudest fairy blog mother ever 🙂 RT @LadaiJay: when i grow up I wanna be just like @casiestewart 🙂 #
- loving that everyone is txting me. this is my best contest idea yet. #4164767576 #
- my sis @jeniestewart is off to see our Bahama Mama this week. Lucky ducky! #
- could you be a dear and follow @centralcounties for me. merci. #
- sometimes i come up with such smart ideas i have to step back & admire them. #smrt #
- here come the txt messages. #4164767576 #
- #contest txt me for instructions #4164767576 http://goo.gl/fb/fBaak #blog #
- wonder how many calls #4164767576 #
- i have a rooster alarm. #
- Puttin on wellies & raincoat, starting the day with some puddle jumping. #
- Morning friends! #
- yesterday on twitter, this happened: http://goo.gl/fb/AXgcA #blog #
- Photo: you re so cute @itsbrownbarbie http://tumblr.com/xmj22pufqc #
music: found this again today. listened like xx times.
Some good old posts here. Daily Diddy winner has been chosen. Tix erry day. Tomorrow, different task. 🙂
fashion: @torontobuckler – SS 2011 blog party * boys take note
Went to a private little shindig at Bucker’s Toronto store the other day. Say hello to Buckler PR girl, the famous April Wozny.
Yeah you, boy who wears this. Total sucker for a cardigan. Won’t even talk stance. Yes.
Yes please, socks and shorts and you again, with the hoodie this time. You look hot.
This cardigan is perfect for me (to steal from future boyfriend).
I have one pair of Buckler undies (man ones) and they are so comfortable. They look so hot on boys, girls you should get a pair for your man. TRUST ME.
Don’t even start with that vest and wipe that look off your face please. Ladder is a good accessory.
For more Buckler photos see Buckler Blog Party album on FB with models Diamien & Justin. The store is at 700 Queen Street West. Say hi to Nikki for me when you go in.