free ticket friday – @iamdiddy!

Happy Friday! I’m in sunny Boston & the weather is beautiful.

To win Diddy today, find a pic of me on the internet & link to it in the comments. Props if you do the same pose & link to them both.

Coming back from Beantown JUST to go to the Diddy concert on Sunday night. I have been informed he’s gonna be playin’ some oldies. Hopefully we are all in the same area & can enjoy it together.

Can’t nobody break my stride!

Google goes Gaga – have you seen this yet?

She is so incrediby inspiring to me. SO many things she says resonate with my to my very core. Watching this really makes me believe I can do anything I set my mind to (not that I had any doubt!). Watch & enjoy.

Ok, I really need to get going. Have to be airpost in an hour + shower + pack! Dang you internet, soooooo distracting/awesome! Yeeehaw!

day 4/5 of DIDDY tix, to win today do this:

1. Click on photo below & go to
2. Login & comment on my post.
3. One winner chosen from comments.
4. GO!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

super nerds & mayors around the world unite! #4sqday

Rememeber Foursquare Day last year? Yes you do.

It was 4/16, I worked at MuchMTV. I printed a big 4sq badge on a tshirt and scooted over to the Loose Moose for the party.

I’d been there a few times so when I checked in, I TOOK THE MAYORSHIP. Everyone cheered as I walked to the table then Molson gave me a bucket of beers. It was an epic winning of mayorship & nerd pride.

* that gun necklace got me hardcore hassled by border patrol at YYZ last summer!

This year’s #4SQDAY meetup in Toronto is at The Firkin @ 461 King Street. For all the info on the Toronto meetup check the FB page. I chatted Karly (@_topshelf), one of the organizers yesterday and there are HEAPS of sponsors, free beer for an hour and BUTTONS like this.

I picked up a few buttons yesterday because I will be attending the 4sq Day meetup in Boston at the Boston Common. Rumours floating the interwebs  Foursquare just may have a special badge for those attending the worldwide festivities.

Really looking forward to relaxing with my friends & escaping the city.  Also stoked to fly with Porter again!

My Sister Jenie is in The Bahamas w Mum!

Bye Toronto!



Da Hanover at Nassau airport – free wifi!

Outside Nassau (AH Gay, I so wish I was there with you!)

OMG boarding – SMALL.

Ready to fly. (Love you so much.)

(OMG Gay, it’s so beautiful!)


(OMG HI MUM! Mum, you look great! You too Gay.)

(Reminded of Grandad)

lots of luv from all of us! xoxoxoxox
