Posted some funnies on my tumblr. Enjoy!
sometimes i don’t feel like it #3
I’m immersed in technology from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed. I often wonder what it’s like to wake up and not check the internet.
Blogging about your own life is a wierd and wonderful thing but sometimes I don’t feel like it. This isn’t a new feeling. I didn’t feel like it Jan. 13, 2011, Oct. 6, 2010, Aug. 2, 2010, Jan. 30, 2010. Everyone has days they don’t fee like clocking in at the office. Remember going on vacation and being out of touch and not knowing what is going on at school or around the water cooler? That doesn’t happen anymore.
I’m addicted to connecting, multitasking, multiplatform updates. When I break I escape to tumblr. Well, that’s not really a break from the inernet but it’s really nice 🙂
pimp vodka coca gin fiz monte à la tête
i forgot to tell you something.
She was delivered this last night. What should I name her? Hawaii is so secretive, black market baby trade, he won’t tell me where he got it. I feel very Victoria Newman. (if you watch the Y&R that is pretty funny). I was wondering where you can get one of these things in recently and turns out you can buy one from the evian shop (or harass Hawaii for the Toronto location).
Super nice out today. Hitting the streets w/ Keri this arvo. Stoked to see all the people here for UFC. They have a certain walk many of them. Muscles are fun to look at. Not my type at all though. Going to Yuk Yuks w/ Raymi tonight then Jet Cooper’s Bday at The Ossington. Will try to avoid muscley-UFCing parties 😉
notable’s chilean wine tasting @ the spoke club
Hey girl wha you doin?
Thanks for having me & friends Julian. Looking forward to the launch of
I’m Jon Crowley. Nuff said.
Food was good too. Lamb, ILU.
Mario, you need to shoot me one of these days. Sooner than later!
Our names are Reggie – Reggie & Reggie.
You are SUCH a foodie JO!
This was my fav wine of the night:
This was second. A friend intro’d me to this a couple years back.
This girl was prize winner. I think that guy is my neighbour.
Wine tasting was great but I reckon I’ve got a two glass limit. I know drinking is different than tasting but this was more of a drinking/tasting. I used to love wine, could polish off a bottle easy. It gives me a hurting in my chest, like acid reflux when I have to much now. Especially the next day. Urgh. Am I getting old? My birthday is next weekend. I have planned nothing. Ahhh.
Ok have a wonderful day! It’s lovely out there.
yesterday on twitter, this happened:
- dance break. #
- like you mean it. #blog #
- bike season, babe season, bixi toronto #blog #
- omg April 30 & May 1 – @victornewman will be at the National Womens Show #yandr #
- probs not what they had in mind but then maybe they did? heh heh #
- have you tried this from #Dufflet pastry? got it at @sobeys #
- kate did her own makeup. #
- Pippa’s dress tonight #
- Photo: › have you seen this @laurenonizzle? BF is back haha[ ] vintage voter: “A young Jack Layton at the… #
- did i blog the notable wine thinger? #forgets [check own blog] #handy #
- I want to see YACHT in Toronto with @AUXTV. Like srsly. @teamyacht are awesome 🙂 #
- inner conflict #
- sometimes i wish tumblr was a real place i could just crawl into, like other than my computer. #
- I am Dutchess of Cityplace. #realtalk #
- f you leave me a VM or private msg on FB. expect a delayed response, they all are low priority. #
- when someone starts a message with “hey you”, it’s __________. #
- some people are so weird. #
- new official WIll & Kate site: #
- this kitten needs a Royal nap. #
- Photo: Kate! ILU. #
- i would love to be on the digital team for the @britishmonarchy. #
- bowling and bands w/ @morgan_c_ross #MAY4 #tickets #blog #
- this is awesome. you are awesome. great idea. promoting awesomeness is highly encouraged by me! 😀 #
- I like this idea. RT @ChrisSpagnuolo Every adult should go to pre-school once a month. Inspires creativity! #
- omg Duke & Duchess of Cambridge – I’m from Cambridge & my middle name is Diana after his Mum. we are like, SO CONNECTED. #
- Stoked for todays #yandr #
- yes. omg @katekillet: KATE M. Kate M3 > but KILLET is so cool. #milletorkillet #thekates #
- Found on Queen St. #
- haha @mrssharonnewman “hmm, you have internet here?” yandr #
- sorry @picard102 & everyone at the office for not putting NSFW on the Kate Moss tatas. #
- I would love to see Kate Middleton’s talents other than being beautiful, like singing w/ Carla Bruni & hanging w/ her & Sarkozy #
- but really though, I love both Kate M.1 & Kate M.2 – Moss & MIddleton. #thekates #
- Photo: There is ONLY on KATE in LONDON. #
- Photo: whoa, this makes me wish i was a standing pee’r. #
- Photo: commin outta my cage #
- Photo: jaunty explorer girl vibes #
- You twitter photo so hot @UrbanNativeGirl omg. #
- Jack Layton’s commercials are the most positive I reckon. #
- sushi date w/ myself! yahoo. #
- so many greats/babes in this group @eh_eh 😉 @skanwar @guygal @alkarim @jlax @smack416 #
- They have the #Vans ‘Sophie’ but not B&W like mine (@ Get Outside) [pic]: #
- This is my breakfast! Oop! #
- I’m ready to see the third kiss eh eh 😉 #
- Here we go @marilyndenisCTV royal wedding special, you might see me but that means you have to be watching. @cocorocha is here! #
- What are you doing? I’m waiting for this thing to start and its pretty cold in this tent. Glad I kept my coat! #
- What’s for brekky today? I’m starving. Amuse me! #
- Harry + Pippa for the win! #
- I would love a coffee. I see starbucks but I can not get there from here. #
- MUAH! RT @NZTopModelColin: #RoyalWedding #rw2011 #
- Tee heeeee RT @matttnificent: Woke up to 422 new tweets, about half from @casiestewart, haha #rw11 #
- Hearing all the oldish ladies talk about the other ladies @marilyndenisCTV right now makes me happy to be young. #
- Haven’t checked in here in ages 😉 (@ 260 Richmond) #
- what a beautiful wedding. #blog #
- Kate: “I’m a Princess now” weeeeeee {spins, throws glitter} #
- i would be happy in that carriage too. duh. #
- ILU Diana. #
- balcony kiss not till 8:25 #
- excited for the balcony kiss. #
- Oh Pippa, ILU. #
- not surprised that CTV doesn’t have @MarilynDenisCTV tweeting despite her ‘massive wedding show’ today. #
- Photo: married. #
- Photo: i hope they stay together FOREVER. #
- Photo: › Catherine Middleton’s totally Grace Kellying. Well done. #
- Casie Diana Stewart, Dutchess of Cambridge (Ontario) #
- WILL i be seeing any of you @marilyndenisctv this morning for the #royalwedding reception? #
- so cool to be watching this with all of YOU! #rw2011 #royalwedding #
- Photo: tumblr is on fire with photos right now – the ring #
- Photo: Victoria & David @ the Wedding #
- Photo: › Iconic fashion moment #rw211 #
- Photo: › Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge #
- the @youtube is pretty spot on with the feed on tv. #rw2011 #
- more Harry! #royalwedding #