- there is so much that hasnt been said about star wars i could talk about it all day forever http://flpbd.it/hMXG #
- With the babes! (@ Vertical Restaurant w/ @jgrdnr @urbannativegirl) http://4sq.com/laNPoE #
- Thanks for the compliments & pix. Today was really fun. Love the runway, funway! #crystallightchallenge #
- Omg I’m a model! <3 RT @erinbury: My good friend @casiestewart on the runway at #crsytallightchallenge http://instagr.am/p/GJXl2/ #
- Thanks mama! <3 RT @itsbrownbarbie: There she is! @casiestewart http://lockerz.com/s/112899866 #
- Omg, my name is CASE-EEEE not CAS-eeeeeee. Get it straight. #
- Creepin’ you @jgrdnr @itsbrownbarbie @keriblog! #crystallightchallenge http://twitpic.com/5ex3al #
- Pleasure meetin’ you today @staceymckenzie1! #
- fashion show get ready time. here we go. #crystallightchallenge http://dailybooth.com/u/a0ew9 #
- Thanks babe!! RT @UrbanNativeGirl: .@casiestewart has the coolest hair! #crystallightchallenge http://t.co/R0k0JN4 #
- Hey what’s up guys. Busy day w/ #crystallightchallenge Hair, makeup & rehearsal done. #
- Runway is huge! RT @UrbanNativeGirl: Pic of the massive pacha runway #crystallightchallenge http://t.co/L4rYHx7 #
- Brought my new harmonica to the hotel so I can practice. http://twitpic.com/5et2x9 #
- Fry like bacon you freshman fcuks! http://twitpic.com/5et2st #
- Got a totally sweet leather jacket & new dress at #Holts Thanks #crystallightchallenge #
- What’s for lunch today kids? I’m going to Holts Cafe w/ the girls. Any recos? #
- Have a personal shopper for #crystallightchallenge Radness. (@ Holt Renfrew Centre w/ @urbannativegirl) http://4sq.com/jJCrGX #
- Beauty day out there eh (@ Metropolitan Hotel) http://4sq.com/jeko7I #
- bloggy blog blog http://t.co/2autYwi #
- i always travel w/ incense & my hotel room smells like a hippie #
- Morning & happy summer! #
- don’ wanna mess wit the #seniors eh @raymitheminx. #babe http://twitpic.com/5elkdg #
the longest day of the year should be celebrated
Welcome to personal shopping at Holts. OMGaga fo’ reals. Got a taste of the high life today and it’s sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Mama can get used to this. Yes please.
It’s cool up there.
Dressing room.
Wearing this dress tonight.
With this amazing new leather. It’s so soft & lovely.
Wall displays at Holts are real beauty right now. Paper art.
My fav jewels.
Looks good on me, eh? Serious shopper. HI MUM!
Time for the show. Thanks for a fun day Crystal Light!
Big thank you to Wind Mobile for my rocket stick. Totally awesome accessory to have, especially today. I love you internet!
Hi from the Holts Cafe
Having lunch with the team then going to hair & makeup. Kinda tired. Shopping is exhausting. Played in the closet room on the personal shopping floor at Holts. Picked out an amazing new leather jack and long dress for tonight (about $800). Thanks Crystal Light. Perhaps I can sneak in a nap. Always wanna blog too. I’m addicted to documenting. Terrified of forgetting. Someone ordered the seafood near me, strong smell. I had potato salad & fried tomatoes with grapefruit juice. Friends coming to see me walk the runway today. Wish me luck! Gah!!!!!
< designers of the future >
Welcome to your hotel Miss Casie.
Gift card for $1,000. Shopping spree with the girls (models). Stoked!
We are here at the Met Hotel for Crystal Light Purse challenge where a bunch of designers are designing handbags. Mega blog girl gang hang.
So nice to catch up with all the girls. Wish Mum was here. She’d love it. I love being in hotel my myself though too. These are the designers.
Had a big meet n’ greet to learn about designs etc.
This prawn-magnificent was delish. I ate a whole bunch more than this though.
Love you.
Your fav movies right when you want them haha. (Dazed & Confused yeah here.)
Olsen Twins at Tweet Valley High. See Raymi’s post here with more pix.
She beat me to the blog last night. My shirt needs to be tucked in better or shorts higher.
Always jump on the bed in your hotel, it’s good luck. (Don’t hit your head though)
Up & at em to go have girls brekky then scoot to Holts. Ok byeeeeeeee.
yesterday on twitter, this happened:
- So many photos @raymitheminx. We are cute. #seniors #
- In room #wifi thanks @methotels Toronto! #
- So far loving #crystallightchallenge Great dinner with ladies & designers. Stoked for tomorrow. #
- In hotel room watching #criminalminds w/ king bed. Shopping spree @ #holtrenfrew tomorrow. #thisismylife #
- Omg so full. Dinner w/ @urbannativegirl @valtorontogal @cammipham & designers. #crystallightchallenge (@ Lai Wah Heen) http://4sq.com/mcSYgA #
- I just eyefucked @ValTorontoGal‘s prawn. For reals. Then she fed it to me. #inthemouth #
- Omg so hungry. #
- Fakkkk. Get cigs a-holes RT @raymitheminx: Muhahahaa @casiestewart u will never get your ten dollars back! Never! http://twitpic.com/5eidlc #
- #bloggang hang w/ @valtorontogal. #vino http://twitpic.com/5eithb #
- Where the hell are you @raymitheminx. In the lobby @methotels. http://twitpic.com/5ehoci #
- Omg this just arrived in my room from @holtrenfrewRP. Thank you! (@ Metropolitan Hotel w/ @urbannativegirl) [pic]: http://4sq.com/lUIUKN #
- Checkin’ in now @raymitheminx @methotels. Txt me your room! #
- In taxi to #crystallightchallenge hotel. See you soon girls don’t be surprised I’m late haha. #bloggang #
- staying at @methotels #toronto tonight for #crystallightchallence see you soon @raymitheminx @urbannativegirl @valtorontogal & more 🙂 #
- ooh Adam Newman. Way to screw that hussy Dianna. #yandr #
- please do RT @jusfrais i’m gonna put that @casiestewart said i was handsome on my bio #
- haha so funny when @itsbrownbarbie say’s on the phone “i’m watchin’ my show” re: #yandr #cute #
- but srsly, if @ladygaga tweets me I might put that in my bio @shariyatweets @zachbussey 😉 #
- RE: @erinbury awesome! stoked to see you 🙂 http://disq.us/2c3pdz #
- if you love #bizmedia too comment ‘aww’ http://t.co/75zlMyP #
- RE: also starving @raymitheminx nomnomnom http://disq.us/2c3dxw #
- Saw a bio saying ‘followed by Obama’ he follows heaps yo. Was onto me back in 2008! Remembrance Day too. http://post.ly/2Fco7 #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/vkb9oWSxECc?a Catch Me When I Fall #
- Ooh kitchen smells yummy. @itsbrownbarbie = best roomie ever! #
- Porter Pilot hat 😉 http://twitpic.com/5efq5i #
- <ove #
- #bhdsuites from the @backseatstylers. Nice to meet you! http://t.co/fycy9Sn #
- kicks of coolness. #converse brand fan http://t.co/1kWF3Sw #
- More time please. #
- i would also like the postal strike to end now @unmarketing. (#etsy sadface) #
- i feel like i’m in a pageant. seeing all the girls tonight at hotel, fashion show tomorrow. fun. #
- btw @raymitheminx where were you yesterday? got new Toms & chilled w/ gaga’s DJ. was fun. #
- a walk off @raymitheminx? are you in too? i’m great at modelling. went to finishing school for that. #
- feel bad cause so many great people work there and i know what they are trying to do. #
- having the worst #whitegirlproblems today. too funny too tweet. i’m RTRD though for the record. #
- you know who is really freaking awesome? @ladystarlightny. chilled with her last night. totally rad babe. #gaga #
- Gotta agree w/ @yummymummyclub, (srsly) MMVAs sucked. Her post about it: http://t.co/L665GkK #
- Chatting my stylist from #HoltRenfrew about my style for tomorrow’s fashion show. I can get used to this. #crystallightchallenge #
- surprised by how dead (streets/clubs) were last night & how many people hated the mmvas. WAY different vibe than last year. #
- I’m aliiiiiive! #mmva #
- Me right now w/ @ladystarlightNY!! #casiegaga http://post.ly/2FQMk #
- Me & @ladystarlightNY. Party on Wayne. (Camera photos are better) #casiegaga http://post.ly/2FQ2O #
- Omgaga @ladystarlight. (@ Velvet Underground w/ @jgrdnr) http://4sq.com/lqvfhz #
- dj @jessegiddings, lookin’ good. #mmva (@ Ultra Supper Club w/ @jgrdnr @coby_shuman) http://4sq.com/lTdTyq #
stand closer to the (star) light.
Big props & love to Think Tank Management for putting the party together last night. It was a blast. Lady Starlight is a beauty inside & out. She said “omg you’re so cute” soon as we met. I hoped that would happen. We got to chat & party. Amazing energy.
Starlight darling, please say hi to Gaga for me. Love you both.