Oh hey there. Mama loves new shoes! Last night I cruised by the Fall Preview of Dr. Martens. I’ve been a Docs lover since primary school so it’s awesome to be invited to check this out. I took all these photos cause I love the shoes. My fav ones right now are Eclectic in white canvas & Triumph 14 Eye.
Get ready for some serious shoe pr0n…
For the stylish & sophisticated wearer.

Love these bad boys. Real fur. Imagine the comfort & snuggles for your feet.

I have those Triumphs on the right but with tartan inside.

Jay Strut is in el-oh-vee-eee with these ones.

That’s Doug in the background, International Sales Manager. He gets to wear Docs errry day!

We were at the Sheraton, 30, miles stories high.

Constantly distracted by things that are shiny.

The classics. Carly needs the pink ones.

I had saddle shoes as a kid. I still do 🙂

I forget that these are called but rockabilly guys with the James Dean look wear them. I dig it.

These ones are all pretty classy looking. I’m impressed with the wide range of shoes they have. They are really well made and versatile. The really tall 20 inch boots make me want them.

You know what this smells like? Real nice leather.

You know what this smells like? Nothing. Vegan leather.


These babies are my fav style.

These are nice too. I would go ona date with a cute boy based on him wearing these. *take note

Industrial manufacturing. ILU.

Got soul?

This warmed my little nerd heart. DR. MARTENS USB! J’adore.

Let’s not forget I taught Doug how to PLANK. Great form my friend!

He learned from the best. Plank Girl!

The team hooked us up with a gift cert for a new pair of Docs when these awesome styles come out in the Fall. THANK YOU! I’m a Doc lover for lyfeeee. What are your favs?