- Morning peeps! Happy Friday 🙂 #
- Dinosaur, they used to run the world http://on.mash.to/p6H4n4 #
- I want to EDGEWALK! RT @blogTO A trip to the CN Tower Edgewalk, 356 metres in the air http://flpbd.it/qI56 #
- guy who takes me on date to Edgewalk @monbud, is deff a special dude #
- hai friends. what's shakin? http://dailybooth.com/u/amf38 #
- it must be a sign @keriblog 🙂 http://twitpic.com/5xp09z #
- haha scary face http://twitpic.com/5xp274 #
- #FF @mrsnikkinewman: an ex-stripper who hit pay dirt when @VictorNewman came in for a lap dance. #yandr #
- Britney Spears – I Wanna Go #spotify http://t.co/2Q6xb3R #
- haha. me loving spotify. http://twitpic.com/5xq3nh #
- RE: @smojoe thanks Rob 🙂 http://disq.us/2t9zzi #
- RE: Thanks Erica. Trick to rompers is buying one size bigger than your normal size. I do it every time 🙂 http://disq.us/2ta0bg #
- download my free ebook, it updates daily. http://t.co/k4VDE2L #
- who knew i'd be into Lil Wayne? Nice. http://t.co/jIlOjG1 Lil Wayne – How To Love #
- 5 upcoming beer festivals in #Toronto 2011 http://flpbd.it/9256 – save $5 on #beerfest tix using CASIE as code 🙂 #
- I got a #Spotify account because I have super awesome powers ok. (signed up while in the USA) #
- Someone asked for my autograph last night. It cost them a beer. #
- “@shawnhawaii: @casiestewart what does the blonde, Canadian version of Pippa Middleton do on a rainy Friday night #justcurious
TAKE ME to the EDGE.
Saw this on BlogTO today and I really want to Edgewalk the CN Tower. Hoping I can do it soon.
I hear it’s kinda pricey. Totally worth it for the rush. Imagine someone unhooks themselves and jumps off? I’m sure they though of that already & have taken precautions. Talk about ultimate suicide! Don’ worry, that won’t happen to me, I have to blog about. I’d love to Keek from up there. Imagine… “Hey guys, I’m walking on top of the CN Tower NBD, what are you doing. Aaaaaaaaah!” Love it.
Happy FRIDAY & long weekend for all you 9-5’ers. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE
PinkMafia Phone Giveaway For YOU!
My girls at PinkMafia have partnered with WindMobile for a contest inspired by BEYONCE. Deets below. Good Luck!- Casie
We’re Giving Away 5 Nokia Phones w/ WIND Mobile!
At PinkMafia we love Beyonce. We also love contests and giving you wicked prizes. We’ve partnered with WIND Mobile to give away 5 super awesome Nokia C7 phones in a contest inspired by Queen B herself.
To enter all you have to do is go to BeyonceOnline.com and enter the “Best Thing I never Had” contest by uploading a photo or video from something fun (prom, wedding, birthday) and tag it #BeyonceBestThing, then tweet or post it on Facebook and leave us the link in the comments section below.
All tweets must have #WindMafia and #BeyonceBestThing in them to enter.
On August 2, 2011 at 6PM we’ll close the contest and pick 5 winners who will receive a Nokia C7 handset, plus each winner will get 1 month FREE service from WIND Mobile ($45/Genius Plan + $10/Data Add-On). You must live in a WIND zone to win-confirm your zone by clicking here.
Don’t wait. Get clicking.
you missed this yesterday
- Good morning from me & my coffee! How is you on this fine Thursday? http://dailybooth.com/u/alu7n #
- The shortest show on the internet… :36 seconds w/ Casie http://t.co/1D3mJat #
- Next iPhone to Have a Larger Screen, Thinner Profile [RUMOR] – http://on.mash.to/nMbmr8 #
- Haha @nataliedee: damn give it a break already http://flpbd.it/Cjot #
- this backwards scrolling thing turns me into a LION. rarrrrrrrr. #mactoPC #
- #Android Now Owns 39% of Smartphone Market [STATS] http://on.mash.to/qx7q19 cc @Telus @motorola_ca #
- Page Speed: Google Offers To Re-Write Your Webpages On The Fly, Promising 25% To 60% Improvements http://tcrn.ch/pcxIRZ by @parislemon #
- I always seem to think the #ttc is faster, I am late every time I take it. Doh. #
- Yusssss RT @mashable: Arrested Development Movie a Go … Again – http://on.mash.to/oe9u9k #
- Hawtness “@thedownlowe: These Thom Browne photos by @streetfsn are f*cking awesome. For serious: http://t.co/GfQN1j8” #
- Hurry up then Wait is not a fun game. #
- WHOA area codes. #437 http://disq.us/2sy0fi #
- To boldy bro where no bro has bro'd before http://tumblr.com/xmj3rh6n7e cc: @caldy #
- Attn: Every PR Person I know – IF YOU GET JABOT COSMETICS CALL ME! #yandr #serious /cc @victornewman #
- "once a stripper, always a slut" headline about @mrsnikkinewman. whoaaa! #yandr #
- hahaha Jack Abbot to Dianne "are you on drugs?" #yandr #
- Dear Neighbour doing construction, I hate you. xo Casie #
- Photo: totes need this shirt. MCAWESOME. http://tumblr.com/xmj3rhmvp9 #
- Thanks for sharing @thatdrew! Cancer Survivors Build Social Network For Social Good http://t.co/mUqhrFE via @RWW #ihadcancer #
- every time i think about asking you how to do something on my new mac i remember http://t.co/MUsUUCj & find out myself. thanks INTERNET! #
- Photo: nice outfit this one: accidentalchinesehipsters: http://tumblr.com/xmj3rinre7 #
- Heading to @Literature4Life at CLounge, anyone close by & wanna be my date? Planning to arrive in 30min. LMK. #
- Had a really great call w/ a client today. #fingerscrossed it all works out! #
- have a date w/ my computer tomorrow night and i'm so excited. we're going for dinner & drinks together. he's a sure thing too. #nerdlove #
- My @dailybooth is showing up as a black box! Any idea how to fix? #nerdhelp http://twitpic.com/5xfbmx #
- radical self love. http://twitpic.com/5xfbw1 #
- Read my response to "Do you collect anything? If so, what is it?": http://4ms.me/pzjN3n #
- almost 1,500 useless questions/answers, the early ones are the juicy ones http://t.co/STdsN0W #
- i should have left the house already but i have nothing to wear. cinderelly, cinderelly! http://dailybooth.com/u/am5wh #
Street cred beats Tweet cred.
What does influence really mean? When it comes to social media, numbers don’t always mean influential. I know of some peeps that have mega followers but they don’t know people IRL and deff. don’t have “street cred”. Hmmmm…..
What do YOU think makes someone influential? Who do you turn to or who influences you? Lots of people influence & inspire me. Maybe I should share some of them with you, I’ll work on that this weekend.
I’ll leave you with that thought for now while I play with Photo Booth & James Dean. I’m so in love. Didn’t even use my PC today. #swooooooooon.
you missed this yesterday
- Nice. RT @glamour_fashion: Today's Best Dressed Reader: Sherry channels her inner dancer http://glmr.me/n3q6wX #
- Facetime. #
- Morning! Slept with my computer last night, I'm so in love. #
- Hahahaha RT @mtvnewscanada: Anthony Kiedis cried like a baby when he watched the Bieber movie http://aol.it/qGhhnj #
- Today is hair done day, this makes me very happy. Loking forward to a nice late afternoon spent at @DarenKwikStudio near Bellwoods. #
- STOLEN: @JMeeners Drk Grn Urbanite Touring Frame w/ Bullhorn Handlebars Pls keep ur eyes open for it! http://t.co/N3lLm5m RT #BikeTO #
- Lets play hackey hack RT @jonathanfields: The Hacker’s Guide to Finding a Job: 9 Tactics No One’s Using http://t.co/uLvzCBp #
- my fav and first drawing in the "unnecessary wheels" collection. circa 2008 http://post.ly/2eUqA #
- any of you guys attend/have worked with http://t.co/Ze7t7Gn? #
- think i'm developing an alcohol allergy. seriously. #
- GOT BANGED! http://t.co/Cpa0ivS #blog #
- Listened to Beyonce's new album? Thoughts? Loves? Need some Bey info from Bey fans! #
- You know what would be really cool? To be on @theellenshow 🙂 #
- what's with the gif avartars on Twitter now? #
- windows dell commercial plays in my sidebar and i just got a mac. das funny. http://twitpic.com/5wntuv #
- Photo: Christmas in July. Nice @RockItPromo 😉 http://tumblr.com/xmj3qfg9d0 #
- Beerfest is next wekeend #Toronto Use CASIE as discount when ordering tix for $5 off. Happy Drinking! http://t.co/NYFAHjO #
- BTW love txting & tweeting you two different conversations at the same time @Shananigans5. #
- So excited to get my phone up & running again. HUGE thanks to @Telus & @Motorola_ca for amazing service & help. Love you! <3 #
- Save 30% on all @PorterAirlines flights. Book by #TODAY July 27! http://post.ly/2eXcy #
- me & ma camera join for a bike ride http://dailybooth.com/u/al7vx #
- Guess who I SAW on my walk today? @JustinBieber NBD. http://t.co/oGJWIN4 #
- Practicing for my show one day… "coming to you li-li-live from the internet" http://t.co/mYHPOSV #
- I wonder if Mommy bloggers say "Paws up Mom-sters" #gaga http://dailybooth.com/u/al8xw #
- Me new Mac makes old computer a typewriter. http://twitpic.com/5wq0e1 #
- You have 8,000,000 unread emails. #headexplode #
- App to turn iPad into touchpad mouse thingey for Macbook Air? #THEFUTURE #
- I love staycations! Lovely to meet you & glad to know you enjoyed it 🙂 http://disq.us/2s2ugv #
- Unable to join network? WTF! Throws iPad across room. #damnyouinternet #
- Epic: OK Go & Google Team Up for Interactive HTML5 Music Video http://t.co/25uGiE1 via @mashable #nerdlove #
- RE: @rlangdon @rlangdon Ah! That swing is zoo cool. Way before my time here too. http://disq.us/2s4ayj #
- what twitter app/client do you peeps use on Mac? #
- Oh my GAGA… RT @laurenonizzle This 4-year-old boy does Lady Gaga better than Lady Gaga: http://t.co/FbzJwtg #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/iSHR9VhXfyA?a Samuel in Judas-LAdy GAga.mp4 #
- what a whirlwind of a day! tres excited. i love life, i love my job, i love the internet…. here we go @brewsomegood! http://t.co/ldOvj6n #
- This is funny to me… "@stonerfanclub: Casey Stoner on 2012 Honda 1000cc MotoGP Prototype" #
- Casie voodoo hair for sale at Darren Kwik Studio near Bellwoods. Haha #haircut #
- I decided to name her Julie. Cc @keriblog http://twitpic.com/5wwf2y #
- I got a pretty sick mod shave on my head tonight at @darenkwikstudio.#jussayin #
- Catching upon today's #yandr dramaaaa. Gawd I love this show & don't give any hoots what you think about it. It's great! #genoacityFTW #
- If you @Google Image Search your first name, do you most look sames? #Beth #Mike #John #Jenny http://post.ly/2euin #
- Ellen is here August. I should try to meet her, eh? Would you guys help me if I try? #
- yes, @jgrdnr #ellenandcasie sitting in a tree, t-w-e-e-t-i-n-g. #
- Excuse me, are you getting enough calcium? #
- TBH, I'm so web based in the cloud that switching to Mac from PC is natural and uncomplicated. #nerd @google #
- Why haven't you tweeted lately @VictorNewman? #
- This is pretty, never been there. Want to go. RT @alizasherman: Clouds today #Alaska http://instagr.am/p/IrpQN/ #
- Give it up Jack Abbot. You will never take over Jabot. #yandr #
- Love you @mikesbloggity. (DM #britney #
- #wenevertalkinhashtagsanymore #
- remember twitter back in like, 2009? it was such a small community. i will love those friends forever. they know who they are! <3 #
- Scrolling is backwards on Mac. #LION #PC #
- Read my response to "What celebrity do you want to join Formspring?": http://4ms.me/rgPfW4 #
- Read my response to "happy or sad??…": http://4ms.me/ni8kz8 #
- Read my response to "What iPad apps would you most recommend?": http://4ms.me/rnO5p1 #
- wow Dianne, what a b–ch eh. Crikey! #yandr #
- Read my response to "If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?": http://4ms.me/rdboVm #
- Read my response to "What motivates you?": http://4ms.me/nV7E3M #
- What is one of the biggest lessons you've learned in life so far? – Be yourself MORE. Be the most self you… http://tumblr.com/xmj3qv9mbj #
- Read my response to "DO you like Britney spears?": http://4ms.me/o9edqH #
- Rob Ford on cell phone giving the finger #golden #NOOOOOOBODY #badboy #mellastman #
- Watching Two and a Half Men, I miss @charliesheen. WHERE DID YOU GO MANIAC? #
- #criminalminds #
- Read my response to "How many kids would you like to have when you decide to have a family?": http://4ms.me/nYdDiE #
- Read my response to "Being an internet influencer is overrated. Agree or disagree?": http://4ms.me/oT5lnx #
- I love @gublernation. #
- Read my response to "What have you struggled with in the past that might affect your future?": http://4ms.me/p4NlzB #
- Don't get fat! RT @glamourdotcom: How well do you REALLY know what men think? http://glmr.me/qPleaf (Thanks, @AskMen!) #
- A visual history of #Kensington Market http://www.blogto.com/city/2011/07/a_visual_history_of_kensington_market/ #