You are the Author
Braided the boy. I had to watch Braveheart though.
iPad movie. Can you guess which Brat Pack one this is?
Condo fire this week. Fake fire. Many trucks. A few babes.
Advice from Mum.
Birthday flowers. Delivery, special
Drivers seat. Dad made this car for us.
Off to Market with Mum now. Tomorrow Muskoka.
Weekend Tune: “Undercover Martyn” by Two Door Cinema Club
Happy weekend! It’s starting to get chilly eh? Well here’s a tune to warm you up from the Northern Ireland boys of Two Door Cinema Club. I recommend dancing along…
So much fun! They play Toronto’s Kool Haus Saturday the 17th (today!) alongside the brilliant Bombay Bicycle Club! I’ve been luck enough to see both bands live before, and I must say that they both are a treat to see live!
What are you getting up to this weekend?
xo Kate
Follow your heart, use your head.
Woke up feeling pretty inspired today. The chill in the air reminds me winter is around the corner but instead of being down, I though about all the time I’ll spend inside working on new ideas and projects. Winter is hibernation time. Lots of planning new ideas & projects for Spring/Summer.The Einstein photos is from the Incubus show I went to recently, Brandon on drum in the front.
Been trying to decide which Docs to get with a gift certificate I have and after seeing this girl, I think I’ve decided. Docs shoes for the win. Will be able to wear them all year and they look cute with socks/tights.
Having a BBQ at Mum’s for dinner tonight. Super excited to see her. Sent her flowers yeaterday and the sound in her voice when she thanked me for them was absolutely priceless. When she was away for a year, there were so many times she didn’t have Skype so we weren’t able to chat. The fact that I can ring her at work now is something I cherish very much. Planning to escape north of the city on Sunday for a cottagey getaway.
This week I learned something pretty cool. Did you know that filling out those annoying captchas actually is helping to digitize old books and newspapers. Check out this video when you have a few minutes. I love the internet. Thanks Sheldon & Dan for sharing on Google+.
Sending out positive vibes and wishing you an awesome day 🙂
Festival Music House! MOD Club! TIFF!
Wednesday night was the third and final night of the TIFF Festival Music House. Casie posted about the second night earlier (here) and last night I moseyed over to the MOD Club to party it up and take some photos of the oh so amazing bands! Pictured above and below? Parlovr! They’re from Montreal and dreamy. They whip their hair around and are super funny. I want to go on a road trip with them. We’d go to lots of funny tacky tourist traps and diners, then write fast songs to dance to about it all after!
Next up was Hey Rosetta! from Halifax. Their album Seeds is up for this year’s Polaris Music Prize! They’re amazing live, and one of my favourites! You for sure should check them out.
Woohoo! Following was The Rural Alberta Advantage! So fun so fun so fun!
The Arkells brought the fantastic night of music to a close.
So much awesome. Thanks Art & Crafts and Rock-it Promotions for putting on this crazy shindig!