Space, Google, Something Strange in the Neighbs

Tonight O’Nizzle and I are hosting a show with some astronomers for SPACE. Pretty stoked. Not too sure what we’re gonna be doing but I’m into it. Plus, we have to go to Hamilton! Mega adventure!

Last night I went to a party hosted by GOOGLE and The Rapture played. It was pretty rad. Lots of nerdy babes. Heaps of business people. Was totally surprised none of the ‘social media’ peeps were there. Met some rad peeps.

Tomorrow is TEDxToronto and I’m attending in person as a delegate. Really looking forward to being inspired and seeing/meeting other delegates. Check out this speaker vid by  The Biz Media featuring someone you’ve seen here before, Mr. David Miller:

Saw this on a walk yesterday… the balance of marriage? What are we saying here, wife, kids, party girl taking you out on the town? Hmmm.

Watching the Facebook F8 Keynote right now. Are you watching it? It’s kinda crazy how Facebook wants us to feellike it is our ‘home’ for all our online stuff. I’m all for sharing but it kinda freaks me out. They’re releasing ‘Timeline’ so we can create & cultivate the stories of our lives. Watch it here if you’re into it. Zuckerberg is a strange guy I bet. The new FB allows you to add a big photo at the top of your page kinda like a blog. Very blog like actually. Get ready for backlash!!

Babe Alert: OAFL Grand Final Saturday!

On Saturday Sammy’s footy team, the High Park Demons, are playing the OAFL finals and I’m wondering if you wanna come? Check out the team! Babes.

They’re also having an afterparty at South of Temperance Saturday night and you’re welcome to come celebrate (or console) the boys after a long day of good ol’ Australian Rules Football. Deets on FB right here!

LMK if you wanna join the fun! 🙂

taste the rainbow

Measuring Tape Girl Film Screening at the NFB

On October 2nd I’m hosting a film screening for Measuring Tape Girl at the National Film Board of Canada. Screening is limited to 60 people and the RSVP details are below.

The film is produced by an old friend Byron Martin whom I worked with a few years back on American Pie. (I’ve been in a few movies over the years, was on Degrassi TNG once too.)  This is the director Marco Veltri at Cannes earlier this year. Nice measuring tape jacket 😉

The film is about “society’s willingness to pour their hearts and bare their souls through a digital medium“. It’s an examination of self-image, alienation, and indecisiveness the average person is faced with today. The lead, Jessica Embro, is a video blogger.


For the record, I did not call myself a rockstar or “influential Canadian Blogger” but I am humbled by the kind works. Thank you to Vocab Communications for asking me to be their host. Looking forward to the screening & media surrounding the film.

Yay, films about blogging. I’M JULIA CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLD!!! (That was for Keri and if you have never seen the blogging movie ‘Julie & Julia’ you might not get it.)

Have an awesome day!

A Real Human Being

This was the title track in Ryan Gosling’s movie DRIVE that premiered at TIFF last week. I saw it last night. GREAT MOVIE. There was lots of silence, suspense, Ryan Gosling is a dreamboat. It’s crime thriller with violence that was shocking, I wasn’t expecting it.

He is tough but caring, sensitive and strong and in one scene he pushes her aside in the elevator, kisses her and (not telling the rest). I have a soft spot for a guy who can fix a car and drive it well and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. He also wears a toothpick so well.

I’m in love like The Notebook, all over again. I’d watch it again if you wanna go.

I bought the entire album on iTunes just now. Here’s a sample. Have an awesome day! 🙂

you missed this yesterday