How do you scarf? Here’s 25 Ways!

I don’t go without a scarf in the winter. I can’t stand the feeling of being cold. The scarf department at my house is a drawer overflowing with heaps of shapes & colours.

It’s tiring to see everyone wearing the ‘euro’ when there are so many ways to wear a scarf well. Check out this awesome video by LA fashion blogger Wendy Nguyen25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Min“. Her post on behind the scenes & making the video is pretty rad too.

Spice up you scarf live and stay warm 🙂

The Art of Awesome 2012

Ok, I made that conference up but it might be real one day. If The Art of Awesome happens I will be on stage speaking about awesomism as a lifestyle. Actually, the Art of Awesome is happening every single day, you have to live it.



Took Sheryl, Dan, Wendy and Teresa out for lunch at Joe Badali’s. It was great to connect with everyone. Haven’t seen Sheryl in a while and man I love her. She was my boss in my first ever job in Toronto post Uni. I learned heaps from her.

Wore jeans today, craaaa-zaaaay! This is very rare. I was send these Levis when I worked with them last year to write about crafting your personal brand.


Here for about another 45 min then heading home for a call & to charge my batteries. Thanks to the team at The Art Of  for our tickets. Another great event!

Say you believe it.

When I first met Andy, it was love. Then I met James Dean and it was a whole new world. But now, now that I have iPhone, it’s like a love I have never experienced. It’s like…









Ladies & gentemen, Rebel Bingo is coming back to Toronto. Now, this is NOT YOUR MAMA’S bingo, bango, bongo bullsh!t.
This is REBEL F*CK!NG BINGO and YOU do not want to miss it.

What will you tell your grandkids if you don’t go? “Once I had this amazing opportunity to do something fun but I decided I don’t like fun and missed out”. No, we don’t say things like that. We LOVE TO HAVE FUN.


Last time was crazy wild and I can’t even tell you what kinda sht went down,you just have to be there.

Get a ticket HERE. They are $10 now but will be more come Friday. Location & cover story info is hereO’Nizzle and I are calling numbers with James Flames (above). This is a revolution. Join it.

the most fun for me/annoying for you app ever

Barbie told me to download this app but since I effed up my iPhone in the jungle last week I didn’t get to try it out. It’s called MadPad and it is hilarious. This was my first go at using it…

Nov 21, 2011 | Source:

Looks like this and records 12 short video clips to make a set of sounds you can then remix. For $.099 it’s a damn steal. Can’t wait till I make some good sets and add then to vids. Moohahahaha. Maybe I will get you saying something?

I’m gonna be so annoying with this at first but then gonna remix some funny shiz. If you would like me to play with your app email [email protected].

Tech | Ticket to the Art of Sales Conference for Tuesday

I’ve attended both The Art of Leadership and The Art of Marketing and left each event inspired with new thoughts in my pocket. My friends at The Art of… have got it going on. There’s a bunch of great people who make these massive events happen.

Tuesday at MTCC is The Art of Sales, a unique one-day conference featuring five amazing international speakers. One of them is NYT best selling author Seth Goodin (125k+ on @Twitter). I’ve never met Seth but I know his blog and he also works with SAY Media.

I have 2 tickets for you to attend.

If you would like to go then watch this and tell me your favourite part in the comments. I will take both winners out for lunch on conference day. Approximate value of each prize = $450/ticket + lunch experience/pricele$$. BONUS!

Conference is at Metro Toronto Convention Centre and goes from 8:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday November 22. [How is it almost DECEMBER? ahh.]

If you are in sales you probably have a fav line and will like that I posted this. If you are in sales and you have NOT seem this then…

PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN. Coffee’s for closers only.

If you have never commented, it’s easy, don’t like, be shy. I’m not shy. Winning is fun. Watch the video leave’ a commento and win. Voila!