Carla said we’d be sore after yesterday’s workout and she was right. She pushed me harder than ever before this time. “I wanna see more resistance from you”, that means next day burning. My muscles feel good right now, as in, I can really feel them.

I love Jukari because it comes from Cirque du Soleil and combines resistance training with a dance like acrobatics. King West Fitness is a beautiful gym and I wish I went more often. I need a new bike. Going to the gym is not (really) part of my routein but I’m attempting to make it one. This time last year I was going to The Motion Room once a week. I got so in shape.

I turn 30 in May and I want to be the most fit of my life, ever.


Hot tub soak post workout yesterday was lovely. I’m going to hot yoga later today w/ Barbie.. I’m up for trying out any workout right now. I’m quite keen to do a martial arts workout. Y’know, a few rounds on the heavy bag. I have my green belt in Olympic style (WTF) Tae Kwon Do, did you know that? Mum is second dan black belt!

I wonder what other workouts would be fun? Aerial silks were pretty rad. Next month I start ballet on Wednesday’s at The National. I can’t wait to be back in ballet!

I’m catching up on season two of United States of Tara right now. We got US Netflix on my XBOX by changing the IP. Came across this 101 Photography tips just now, check it out, 101 of them from Improve Photography.



I want a balloon tree. I always have.

The Balloon Tree by Phoebie Gilman was one of my favourite books as a child. We used to read heaps of books. Each summer Jenie and I would join the Summer Reading Club at the Preston library. I spent so much of my childhood at that place. I was either there, the dance studio, or gymnastics. I’m pretty sure I had my first reading by Robert Munsch at the Preston library.  I remember meeting Phoebie Gilman and having my photo taken with her. Authors were my celebrities back then.  When I wrote ‘Jeans: an anthology of poetry & prose‘ in 1996 we had our book launch there. We sold over 80 books that night and one dollar from the sale of each went to the Women’s Crisis Shelter.  It was a magical night. I’l never forget how good it feels sitting there signing your own book for a lineup of people. I’ve been (slowly) working on another  book. Write more, read more, that’s what I keep telling myself.

I’m a big believer in the power of positive thought and a few things I’ve been thinking about lately are libraries and speaking. Not necessarily together but in general. The crazy thing is, I got an email from Marketing Magazine asking me to speak at an event next month and guess where it is? A LIBRARY. My favourite library in the city, Toronto Reference. We’re talking youth culture and the founder of VICE Magazine will also be there talking about The Creators Project between Vice & Intel. I’ve been a Vice fan for about ten years and have a diploma in marketing so this is all quite exciting. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN’T DO.

The Creators Project is really cool and well, CREATIVE.

“I have always imagined that Paradise

will be a kind of library.”

Jorge Luis Borges quotes (Argentinian Poet and Essayist, 1899-1986).


Here’s a little sneak peek into the dresse we’ll be wearing at Love a Heart on February 9th. The event is a date auction so if you have ever wanted to go on a date with me (or any of the other boys & girls) this is your chance! All proceeds go to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Last year’s event was a HUGE success!

Rent Frock Repeat is a Canadian owned and operated business, based in Toronto. The concept is fairly simple – rent a designer dress, wear it, send it back. Erin Bury has talked about it before so I was super keen to give it a go. The babes behind RfR, Lisa & Kristy set up a pop up shop for us with dressing tents complete with wine, treats & cupcakes.


I picked a gorgeous red silk number by Adam. So fitting for Valentines Day <3 There were so many really beautiful dresses to pick from.

I love the concept of renting a dress, it’ll be so handy come Film Fest! Raymbo & I have the devil angel thing happening here mooohahah. Who is which?









Love this dress for another time. Love the back and how it shows tattoo.

Raymi is going to be a beautiful blonde baby Björk.


For more info on Love a Heart see FB. Thanks Shannon for setting this up and the lovely ladies at Rent Frock Repeat for offering  a 10% discount on rentals with code LOVEAHEART. Go rent a dress for your Valentines date or something special and 10% will go to the Heart & Stroke Foundation.

Love ya xo CASIE


This drawing is by Valfre. I’ve never met her but I know her through her blog/twitter. She’s one of my favourites. One of my really good mates in New Zealand is blowing up the charts there and in Australia. This is new track.

Who Gives A Damn ….. by imagine this


Last night at the SAY Media party for DX3 I had the time of my life playing with a parachute. It was so fun/cool/awesome, seriously.



The band man is Rich Aucoin and here are his deets so you can follow him. Canadian and good looking too.



I was shaking the parachute with about a hundred other people. A bunch were in the middle and running from side to side as the parachute went up and down dancing the air. Charlotte from SAY emailed this photo to me after the show and I’m sure there are heaps more in cameras around. Right when photo was taken I was in this totally awesome childlike state where I swear I don’t know if I’ve ever had so much fun. It was absolute bliss.


I’ve said it before and will again, the SAY Media team really know how to throw a party. In conversations last night I learned that lots of people were learning about the company for the first time. This is pretty rad for me because I’ve been working with them for almost a year now. I’m their Canadian ‘poster child’ for social & one of their passionate people building culture. I’ve mentioned them a few times on blog before.

I think lots of old friends were surprised to see my face on their signage. “Hey look, that’s you



I fell in love with how SAY Media really ‘get it’ the first time I received an email and checked out their site. They work with Passionate Voices connecting us with brands and stuff we like. Last year when I was an Android user, I did a national campaign with HTC. SAY is the first ever real advertising I hooked up with too. Those fancy video ads in my sidebar, that’s them.

I’m heading to DX3 for day two today and will probably be hanging out in their booth when not in a session. Come stop by. Look for these faces:


Know what else was totally rad last night? Turns out Rich from the band knows of me from my old friend Ryan Brooks. Ryan and I were in Australia together years ago. Today is Australia Day! Small world after all. If you text Rich he will send you the album.


You will love this video. I have a new crush.

we are all dying to live


Walking wireless hotspot. It’s go time