Day 528: I Went To IKEA

I went to IKEA with April just after opening at 9am. It was my first trip inside since before the pandemic. I did click and collect a couple of months ago but going inside is such a different experience. I always end up getting a few extra things and come home with new towels and a big mirror.

I helped April with something for her work then biked home. It was definitely too hot for this jumpsuit.

Bonga was in town for the day and stopped by on his bike. I heard him arrive before I got the text, this bike is FAST and LOUD. We got ice cream in the neighbourhood and went for a walk.

Tomorrow I’m going on my first flight since January 2020. Flair Airlines invited me on a media trip to Montreal for a fashion show to see their new uniforms and meet tennis star, Genie Bouchard. Must be in bed at a good hour because I’m scheduled to be at YYZ by 5:30 am. Ahhhhh!

I’m nervous/excited, not sure how travel has changed due to covid. We’ll see in the AM!

Day 527: Nice Ride

This is probably my fav outfit right now. Not sure where Sean got this old Harley shirt but, it’s mine now. My neon snakeskin shorts are perfect for bike rides. I can only imagine if someone with an actual motorcycle saw me wearing this, then my bike, they’d probably say ‘nice ride‘. ? I added andsome sparkly lights and sunflowers to the basket before meeting Michelle in Bellwoods.

Day 526: Friday the 13th

I really wish I could have gotten a tattoo today. I’ve gotten 6 tattoos on Friday the 13th and consider it a lucky day. Got dressed up in something cute after work and took some photos instead.

Long live summer & cheers to the weeeeeeeekend!

Day 525: A Return to The Office (Kinda)

Wowza, after almost a year I made a return to the office! I spent the afternoon working at Hvr in Yorkville and it was great to be back. I won’t be working there every day but it was great to see the gang and work in the same room.

Saw this guy from the office balcony, maxing out that patio bro!

Went for a bike ride (again!) in the evening and noticed Door Number Two vintage near our place was open. I’ve gone past here so many times during Covid and it’s never been open. Such a cute shop with 3 floors of treasures. I got a pair of green wedge sandals to wear at Val’s wedding next weekend (Emily’s mum).

Day 524: If You See Me Happy

Really enjoyed the Daily Calm meditation the Calm app today. I haven’t mentioned it recently but I absolutely love this app. I bought the paid version last summer and have been using it nearly every day. I find it helps w/ sleep, focus, and anxiety.

My fav part from today was something like, “You have no power over how the universe may respond to your actions. … We must realize that control is an illusion, it is only by accepting our lack of control do we find peace.”

It was SO hot out today. Biked over to visit Cory Lee after work and went for a swim in her pool. Great to catch up under the sun while cooling down in the water. The title from this post comes from the video I posted on IG, watch it here or click below.

I love summer.

Day 523: Refreshed, Tanned, and Ready

As much as I loved being away this weekend it was great to sleep in my own bed and wake up in my room. Feeling refreshed, tanned, and ready to take on the week.