Facebook timeline: Cool or Creepy?

It’s cool. I need to clean up my profile. Kinda creeping how you can fly back in time and see all your photos by month, day, when you added friends etc. As someone who is addicted to documenting, I think it’s neat. If you have issues with privacy, well, you should probably get off Facebook!

If it weren’t for Facebook or my blog I’d not have so many memories, and for that, I’m thankful.

Toronto Rebels Unite.

Lozzie and I are on stage callin’ numbers for bad kids Rebel Bingo with James Flames tonight….kinda like this:

You should probably get a ticket. If you miss it, well, you’re probably not that cool anyways. Check Lauren’s bloggy for more secret details. Tickets here.

In other sexy, rebel news, the Youtube takeover went live today for the Durex Savvy Lover campaign AND the documentary features Raymi! Nice work to all the peeps behind the campaign! I worked with Brand Momentum as a copywriter for Durex earlier this year and some of my topics included ‘Turning your walk of shame into a stride of pride” and ‘manscaping’. Super fun stuff to write about!

Get some freaky Friday tips from four of Durex’s ‘sexperts’ on the Durex FB here. The FB app uses Pinpoint Social, Daniel’s company, fancy huh?!

And finally, the most beauty marriage ad I’ve seen that, yes, brought tears to my eyes. (MUM, BOB, don’t get any ideas about ME! Just watch it!) It really IS time. Thanks to Andrew Stewart, my digital brother for sharing. Can’t wait till his wedding one day. ♥

Off to the postie to pick up a package then to mee Lau in Kensington, then to rehearsal. I hope it’s shoes or the camera I’ve been waiting for!

You will be older tomorrow so BE YOUNG TODAY!

Friday Afternoon Cartoon – Badass


Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood










phones & elbows

Today was Picard’s birthday and I came to his office (@PolarMobile) to do a Lunch & Learn about social media to the team. It was fun & informative (I was told) and we had pizza and cake.

Way to go Picard on forcing having a colleague bake this double rainbow deliciousness. It was good. We followed that off with a couple celebratory birthday shots at the bar downstairs. It was after 1pm so, totally acceptable and a recommended birthday activity.

I lead the team in singing ‘Happy Birthday’. Talk about a deal of a speaker, talks, teaches, sings and more. Winked as I typed that, yeah I did.

Nov 23, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

Having iPhone is changing my life. I’m able to update all my fav sites. There are so many apps. I’m using Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Tumblr, Dailybooth, Keek, My City Lives, Netflix, WordPress, Instagram and a few others. Have any recos? All my devices are synced to iCloud and it’s SO convenient.

Speaking | SociaLIGHT

Social what? There’s a new buzz word created every :02 seconds but ‘socialight’ is one I wasn’t really familia with. Socialite, yes. I’ve been a social person my whole life and I also like working hard and doing nice things for others. When I was introduced to the SociaLIGHT conference, I smiled knowing there’s gonna be lots of like minded people in a room together.

I’m speaking on a panel this weekend at MTCC for the Socialight Conference. It’s a one day event for entrepreneurs & small business people from across Canada. Never heard of it? No problem! This vid will give you the low down in < :60 seconds.

Did you know that “Last November, more than 100 countries celebrated Global Entrepreneurship Week and now 2011 has been recognized as the Year of the Entrepreneur in Canada.”  Learned that and some other smart facts from the Canadian Guv’s Biz dept. I’ve had an entrepreneurial fire burnin’ for years. In 1996 I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge for a publishing company I co-founded. Being on a panel at MTCC is totally checking something of a list for me. I’ve been going there & seeing speakers since I was a kid. Check out the other great speakers here.

This past summer I hosted the Bench room during BHD Suites Gifting Lounge on MMVA weekend (herehere & here). The lovely peeps at Bench asked me if I have any upcoming events they could dress me for.  I mentioned the SociaLIGHT conference and today I had a shopping party for one at the Eaton Centre!

Say hello to the Bench store babes who assisted me in picking a bunch of gear. Thanks girls!

We were looking for two full outfits and I was leaning towards non-sporty or too branded. Thanks Bench Canada for a fun time and new digs. This is what I tried on:

I can bring two VIP guests to the conference Saturday and I’d like to invite you. General admin tickets are $149 but if you are buying please use code CASIE2011 for 50% off.

Want a free ticket? Watch this video, the guy thinks I’m crazy and says “I was wondering what happened?” Where do you think his accent is from?

Nov 23, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

If you guess, (comment anything!) I’ll pick two peeps at random. The crew I took to The Art of Sales this week had a blast. Conferences are F-U-N. So are gifs.

you missed this yesterday

My City Lives LOVES!

Yesterday I downloaded the new iPhone app from my friends at My City Lives. It’s an awesome & forever growing collection of people, places, things & thoughts from around out great city of Toronto. If you check out my first THIS IS MY LIFE blog on blogspot you will learn that “people, places, things & thoughts” was how I defined my blog in ‘an attempt to keep more memories’.

Check out this awesome vid MCL published today followed by some screen shots from their new app. Download it free from app store here & get sharing 🙂

The best suitcase I have ever used.

A couple days before my  most recent trip I got an email from RIMOWA, Germany’s luxury luggage manufacturer. I’ve never had nice luggage let alone ‘luxury’! Actually, the little suitcase I have belonged to someone else, is old and has a ripped zipper. It’s crap.

The note was about Salsa Air Ultralight weighing only 4.2 lbs, making it the lightest carry-on luggage on the market and built for strength and durability. Now, if you know me AT ALL…you know strength & durability are HUGE in the things I use/wear.

They had a suitcase delivered for me to take to Costa Rica and honestly, IT WAS THE SH!T! I love it. Rolled and tossed that baby with elegance, easy and  style from Toronto to Miami to Costa Rica to Libia to New York and home. We travelled car, bus, ferry, flight and through jungle, resort, beach and rain. Made this little vid-yo on the main street in Montezuma outside El Sana Banano.

Thank you RIMOWA. Can I please keep it?! 😉

How do you scarf? Here’s 25 Ways!

I don’t go without a scarf in the winter. I can’t stand the feeling of being cold. The scarf department at my house is a drawer overflowing with heaps of shapes & colours.

It’s tiring to see everyone wearing the ‘euro’ when there are so many ways to wear a scarf well. Check out this awesome video by LA fashion blogger Wendy Nguyen25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Min“. Her post on behind the scenes & making the video is pretty rad too.

Spice up you scarf live and stay warm 🙂

The Art of Awesome 2012

Ok, I made that conference up but it might be real one day. If The Art of Awesome happens I will be on stage speaking about awesomism as a lifestyle. Actually, the Art of Awesome is happening every single day, you have to live it.



Took Sheryl, Dan, Wendy and Teresa out for lunch at Joe Badali’s. It was great to connect with everyone. Haven’t seen Sheryl in a while and man I love her. She was my boss in my first ever job in Toronto post Uni. I learned heaps from her.

Wore jeans today, craaaa-zaaaay! This is very rare. I was send these Levis when I worked with them last year to write about crafting your personal brand.


Here for about another 45 min then heading home for a call & to charge my batteries. Thanks to the team at The Art Of  for our tickets. Another great event!

Say you believe it.

When I first met Andy, it was love. Then I met James Dean and it was a whole new world. But now, now that I have iPhone, it’s like a love I have never experienced. It’s like…









Ladies & gentemen, Rebel Bingo is coming back to Toronto. Now, this is NOT YOUR MAMA’S bingo, bango, bongo bullsh!t.
This is REBEL F*CK!NG BINGO and YOU do not want to miss it.

What will you tell your grandkids if you don’t go? “Once I had this amazing opportunity to do something fun but I decided I don’t like fun and missed out”. No, we don’t say things like that. We LOVE TO HAVE FUN.


Last time was crazy wild and I can’t even tell you what kinda sht went down,you just have to be there.

Get a ticket HERE. They are $10 now but will be more come Friday. Location & cover story info is hereO’Nizzle and I are calling numbers with James Flames (above). This is a revolution. Join it.

the most fun for me/annoying for you app ever

Barbie told me to download this app but since I effed up my iPhone in the jungle last week I didn’t get to try it out. It’s called MadPad and it is hilarious. This was my first go at using it…

Nov 21, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

Looks like this and records 12 short video clips to make a set of sounds you can then remix. For $.099 it’s a damn steal. Can’t wait till I make some good sets and add then to vids. Moohahahaha. Maybe I will get you saying something?

I’m gonna be so annoying with this at first but then gonna remix some funny shiz. If you would like me to play with your app email [email protected].

Tech | Ticket to the Art of Sales Conference for Tuesday

I’ve attended both The Art of Leadership and The Art of Marketing and left each event inspired with new thoughts in my pocket. My friends at The Art of… have got it going on. There’s a bunch of great people who make these massive events happen.

Tuesday at MTCC is The Art of Sales, a unique one-day conference featuring five amazing international speakers. One of them is NYT best selling author Seth Goodin (125k+ on @Twitter). I’ve never met Seth but I know his blog and he also works with SAY Media.

I have 2 tickets for you to attend.

If you would like to go then watch this and tell me your favourite part in the comments. I will take both winners out for lunch on conference day. Approximate value of each prize = $450/ticket + lunch experience/pricele$$. BONUS!

Conference is at Metro Toronto Convention Centre and goes from 8:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday November 22. [How is it almost DECEMBER? ahh.]

If you are in sales you probably have a fav line and will like that I posted this. If you are in sales and you have NOT seem this then…

PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN. Coffee’s for closers only.

If you have never commented, it’s easy, don’t like, be shy. I’m not shy. Winning is fun. Watch the video leave’ a commento and win. Voila!

Her life was her movie. Yours can be is yours.

Seeing ‘My Week with Marilyn’ tonight. Looking forward to Michelle Williams as her, I like them both. Thanks to AMy @ Alliance Films for the tix.

Her life is a love story (Marilyn). It’s like a love story with her life and herself with herself and everyone else who plays a role. If you think about life like that you might  will  be more interesting. You’ll have more experiences too.

On the plane home from Costa Rica I watched Jim Carey’s Poppers Penguins and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I love Jim Carey, not so into animal/kid movies but it was cute. Apes was good, I liked it. Cool SF scenes, Franco is a babe and the apes were cool.

After a week in the jungle with real monkeys it was perfect to watch that movie.  Catching up on the Y&R before I go to bed. It’s nice to be home.

This little monkey is back in the concrete jungle …

My life is my movie and, you’re in it! Thank you 


It’s nice to be home but I want to go away again!

connecting to the energy

This looks like the best kinda office to me.

On Skype with Mum at San Juan airport about to board to JFK!


A Comic (but not really funny!)

Started this comic at Tambor regional airport yesterday en route to San Juan, it get’s pretty exciting and and one point I was nervous for my life. It’s done using the ‘Comics’ app on iPad.

I’ll get to the REALLY exciting part today as I’ll be in airports from about 9am till midnight when I return to Canada. I’m hoping for a smooth day of travel and no delays.Wish me luck!

I’ve had the most wonderful time the last week and am looking forward to more travel soon. The last few days I’ve really thought through a couple things about life (omg I’m so deep) and I feel good.

With love from Costa Rica,

we found love… and by we, I mean me and the sea

  • hey there little monkey, you are cutie cute cute
  • Weekend Tune: “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)” by The Elwins: We interrupt… http://t.co/D4eDO18D #thisismylife #
  • Photo: last beach day in CR http://t.co/7JhNpVqt #
  • Photo: Mantra. http://t.co/EoPBSyUZ #
  • leaving Costa Rica tomorrow but it appears another trip is in my near, near future! #
  • Welcome to the Jungle: Woke up to this beauty beach view and went for brekky… http://t.co/FtBFThuY #thisismylife #
  • Weekend tune by Kate Killet this week is ALL about MOVEMBER>… http://t.co/Gog92T0f #
  • I’m gonna miss the jungle forrest.
    Back to concrete jungle tomorrow 🙁
    http://t.co/1sPrfv7t http://t.co/DMhvVsuP #
  • having lunch in the jungle http://t.co/3Tn5PM3B #
  • http://t.co/rKUl7iqR http://t.co/gZUwb2vB #
  • There’s Magic in the Air, Pura Vida!: Went on a gorgeous sailing trip this week… http://t.co/3Dr7CZ5u #thisismylife #
  • there are litte monkeys behind me right now, and i mean real monkeys like white faced little furry ones. so cute. #
  • After leaving jungle in Montezuma I went to Liberia but now back in San Jose. #costacasie #puravida #
  • There’s Magic in the Air, Pura Vida!

    Went on a gorgeous sailing trip this week with the owners of Anamaya Resort and friends.

    We drove to the ferry spot and sailed to Tortuga Island one of the most popular & beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. My stay here has been incredibly magical. I have photos and stories but the experience is the most treasured part of it all. Huge thank you to Joseph, Kelsey and Jeff for having me. Anamaya Resort is a slice of heaven.

    If you are looking for a beautiful vacation, come here. You will feel the magic of Montezuma, taste warm breezes of the ocean and see views that will stay forever in your memory.

    With love from Costa Rica,

    Welcome to the Jungle

    Woke up to this beauty beach view and went for brekky yesterday.

    It rained sheets the night before and it was late so instead of heading back up the hill in the rain I got a room at Hotel Les in Montezuma.

    Walked the beach during an insane lightening storm and there was something romantic about the incredible dark sprinkled with flashes of light.

    The squirrels here are pretty cute and this guy had a caramel stripe down his back.

    Went for this crazy drive with a friend through the jungle. I can’t wait to come back here. I want to travel around and see more of the country.

    Flying from Tambor to San José this afternoon before my flight home tomorrow.. I totally feel relaxed, calm, connected to my thoughts and things. I’m thinking about my next destination and know I’ll be flying again soon.

    It’s amazing what a week in a jungle forrest will do to you 🙂


    Weekend Tune: “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)” by The Elwins

    We interrupt Casie’s wonderful Costa Rica posts for a Movember reminder in the form of a weekend tune brought to you by Toronto’s most charming indie quartet The Elwins. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)”!

    Y’all better be growing some nice mos!

    You can download the song for free here and donate to their Movember team here! Wanna catch em live? They’re currently touring all over Ontario and hitting up Quebec, check them out. And yes, they do sing about more than mustaches…

    xo Kate

    Sailed Away & Left My Heart in the Ocean ♥

    Life Was Made for Living So Try Your Best

    Couple days behind on documenting my trip, it’s just so lovely outside, who wants to be on the computer?! Yesterday I went sailing to Tortuga Island and have HEAPS of photos. The day before I went to visit Tracy’s hostel and hung out with her & Barratt. This is her view! Breathtaking.

    Barratt and I had lunch at this little café and they gave us cutlery in plastic. Never seen that before.

    I had a sandwich but it was nothing special. While I was sitting there the owner of the place I stayed the night before walked by and asked to talk to me. My first thought,”sh!t, I’m in trouble for being loud, drinking and smoking” but that was not the case at all! He gave me back 5000$ colones ($10) because he felt bad that it was under construction and I had paid a full $20. Score!

    After lunch I waited at the bar (Choco’s) for the other Anamaya people to finish up surfing. I’m a bit silly though and forgot our driver parked somewhere else and I totally missed the ride back up the hill of death (mega steep). Liquid dinner again.

    Good thing though cause I met this lovely blonde girl from England named Jules. Her and I hit it off right away, she’s crazy like me! HI JULES! <3

    One of a kind, & hand painted designer cigarettes. Ok, hand painted by me with Sharpie but cool. Borderline Artistic!

    Jules and I played pool with some local boys and we all brought our own drinks to the bar. Crazy!

    Meet the Israeli boys babes  Evyatar & Amir. Quite lovely!

    Since there’s only one bar in town you get to know everyone pretty quick, especially when you’re tres friendly and Casie Stewart. No seriously though, I’ve met heaps of wonderful people on this trip. Travelling is when I really appreciate Facebook, you can add everyone then when you travel to their country you’re old friends again.

    If you need anything bad in town ask these boys, they will help you. Obviously.

    Giant babes from New York, there was four of them all over 6’2″. I was certain they were Australian but my Ozzie radar was way off.

    Say hello to team Sweden Jennifer & Li Von. HI GIRLS!

    So much fun. I love this place.

    I might get a tattoo before I leave. Pura Vida 🙂

    you missed this yesterday

    • was walking the beach last night during lightening storm & rain, so wonderful #
    • i don't feel like coming back to work. vacation is so nice! #
    • Going sailing for the day to Tortuga Island! Have fun at work! Bye <3 #
    • Crazy jungle driving today! #

    you missed this yesterday

    Worst Day Surfing is Better Than the Best Day Working

    I’m getting pretty tanned and not even really trying.  Yes I have sunblock Mum!

    There’s only ONE bar, this is it. Heyyyy Chico’s!

    Chilled here for a little smoke.

    Surf school & turtle conservatory.

    En route to pick up our boards, saw some monkeys.

    Check out this papa!

    Ok, so I didn’t carry my own board, Big Blue my new bestie did. He’s a surf instructor/local legend.

    I was like ooh can I get a shot of me like Britney in Slave?… “Well, you’ll only do it once”. Thanks Blue, these bad boys are mega poison.

    Ahh. I love Costa Rica.


    I think everyone loves Costa Rica, never heard anyone say a bad thing about this place. It’s pure bliss!

    Apres surf I got a cheap hotel and went to Chico’s, chilled on the beach and had a house party. It’s all about balance!

    Although, coming BACK to Anamaya after bring at the little dive I stayed as made me appreciate it even more.

    I think Costa Rica and I love each other.