Holidays Ova, New Year Right Here!

Holidays Ova, New Year Right Here!


I’m back! Miss me? You won’t skip a beat if you’ve been following me on Twitter or Instagram or checking into I’ve got RebelMouse life feed sharing everything from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, tumblr, and Pinterest.

Took a few days off and lazed around the house after Christmas chilling w/my family and Sean. I’ve been watching Hostages on Netflix this weekend and it’s about an attempt to assassinate the president. After about 8 eps it started to get a bit silly with so many twists and turns but I feel I can’t stop switching now. Dylan McDermot and Toni Colette are the leads and I really love her, she’s so versatile. The guy who played Jimmy Cooper on the OC too. My sister partied with McDermot in Dominican a few years back, they were at the Maxim Mansion opening.

I’ve been thinking about the last year (as one does before NYE) and I’m planning to post a few of my most treasured moments.  More on that starting Wednesday, New Years Eve.

Remember: You’ll never be as young as you are today so make the most of it. 🙂 


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