I’m loving this warmer winter. Yes, a temperature around freezing in Canada is a warm winter! The last two years have been insanely cold, blaming them for my lack of motivation to do anything but Netflix and chill w/ takeout and sit on the couch. Ok, let’s be real with the excuses, I blame myself for being lazy. After a few ups and downs with my health this year combined with early 30s kicking in, I’m looking fitness right in the face.

I was always one of the smallest in school, dance, cheerleading, tae kwon do, skating. I was thin through college and university and didn’t really exercise much or regularly. I turned 30 three years ago and all those “it’ll catch up with you” people I rolled my eyes at, yeah, they were right. If you’d like to look into options for you in order to keep fit and healthy, you may want to look firstly at this Shepherd’s Code review and see if the book may help you in finding your new fit and healthy side again.
So, I’ve found a yoga studio in my hood to test out and I’ve worked out the past 5 days. I decided to get a jump on the whole New Years fitness thing by starting a week early. It’s January 2nd and I’m feeling good. I’ve eaten great food the last week and haven’t had any alcohol. Maybe it’s just me but my face feels less puffy and I’ve been sleeping better. Drinking has been a big part of my life the last ten years and I need to cool it. It’s time. ????

Digging the Nike app with a trainer that’s been reminding me of the next workout. I get why those people who run all the time use it. ? Have it set to the 5k beginner program to get back into the swing of it. Currently doing 2.5-3km a-ok, (only walking a little bit here and there).

I’m not planning to tell the world every single time I exercise but I figured since I’m 5 days in, sharing will keep me accountable. Maybe you are reading this thinking “hey me too” and if so, I’m here to be your friend.
If you have any great workouts or fitness people to follow. LMK! ??