I always eat snacks & watch crime shows at night while on computer and I’m trying not to snack before morning cause I’m determined to get through three darn days of a real cleanse like I know I can. Run on sentence, thoughts. Last time I tried I had zero willpower but I’m stronger now. Ok, I ate some vegetables at lunch. 🙂 Have you ever watched that Life After People Show? It’s crazy. Shirt is from the Hitmen who travel.

If you’re curious, I’m doing the Energize from Total Cleanse. Was delivered three days of pre-made juice all nicely bottled and bagged. Six juices per day, four different. They’re not gross, they’re good. I was worried I wouldn’t like drinking them but I’m gonna go at it again tomorrow. Bixi to YD Square with my comp first thing in the morning. Hoping for sun!