Gaga Law. Love it: (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MA MA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance I’ve got the house to myself for the weekend. Looking quite forward to it. Rooms clean and clothes are put away. I vision myself………. Sleeping in and watching movies one after the other all day tomorrow. Wearing the same clothes for the whole day and night. Making breakfast. Going back to bed. Finally reading Feb. Wired & Toronto Life magazines. Bailey’s with coffee mid-afternoon. Relaxing bath and a book. Falling asleep in front of the tv. Afternoon delight, soft kisses. Making changes to my website. Handwriting letters. Chatting on the phone with far away friends, on speaker. Watching the sunset from my window. Getting a new sketchbook and using it. Walking in brisk cool morning air. Waking up in your arms. Listening to music. Having a great weekend ♥
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