how would you describe me in 140 characters?
I’ve been included in an awesome set of photos by my friend & photographer Rannie Turrigan called 140 Characters. The concept is cool, 140 Characters and a bio for each person he shoots. You know Twitter is 140 chars by now right? Please say yes. OMG. I’ve not got a bio up for my pic yet. I found it hard to describe myself? Hmmmm….awesome? Crazy, awesome, charming, beautiful? Haha, see it aint’ that eezzzzz. I reckon it’s easier for someone else to describe you, err drscribe ME. What would you say? The photos will be on display tonight at TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone Hotel. Remember I hosted a couple Tweetgasm’s in August & September pix here. If you’re around stop by tonight or check them out online at There’s a bunch of babes in the photo set!!
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