So I’m reading this book about when bee’s are extinct and then all of a sudden five people get stung around the world and it’s a huge deal. They think there’s something special about them but I’m not done the book yet so I don’t know for sure. It’s good.
One girl is from Ontario and her name is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. I’m from Ontario and my middle name Diana for the same reason. Another girl is from Palmerston North, New Zeland. A small town in Manawatu which happens to be where my mum was born and a heap of my family currently live. Weird.
I wanted a new book and asked for something that I would enjoy reading yet find intellectually stimulating. One day I went to collect our mail and sitting on the return to sender pile was this book, unmarked, unadressed. I picked it up and started reading. It was meant to be mine that day.
So today, I was sitting having a beer with a colleage, it was about 4:20 when we ordered a second. I had mentioned the book earlier and followed by saying “I haven’t been stung by a bee in a while”. I got up and knocked a nearby tree branch right away. As I was finishing my second pint, bill paid, I felt a sharp needle like pain in my finger. Bloody hell, I’d been stung.
Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for, thoughts become things.
Coincidence is an awesome thing. As in, inspiring awe, not the other kind of awesome (especially when it involves bees). I have the Wikipedia page about it open now. Looks like a good starting point for an information binge (I purge with notebook scribbles).
Also reminds me, I still haven't picked up that book. Coupland is a favourite.
You should talk to Rob Campbell – he comes from a line of beekeepers . . .
I'm reading Generation A also. Will be finished in a couple days, I'd say. The ending is either going to kill it or make it for me. I've been thrown for a loop.
@candice @urbannativegirl the weird thing i si've been seeing them around so much! didn't know that about Rob and C the book is interesting.
yeah i'm almost done too. i'm hoping for a really good ending cause i've enjoyed the journey so far. #fingazcrossed
Secret with bees, trust them – close your eyes and let them buzz in your face and consider the breeze off their wings to be divine. They will never sting anyone who worships them so.
That's so weird. When I was a kid, probably about 7/8, I remembering saying to myself “There's no way bees hurt that bad; they're so small.”
Later that same day when I'm running around with my dog, I step into a drainage ditch and crush a hidden wasp's nest.
Afraid of bees to this day? No, but I haven't stepped into a ditch since.
Douglas Coupland has a way of doing that, getting into your head and setting up shop.
And as for your last line, “moral of…..” I thought I was reading me. Sames again.
Douglas Coupland has a way of doing that, getting into your head and setting up shop.
And as for your last line, “moral of…..” I thought I was reading me. Sames again.