Started using a new phone, Motorola DEFY from Telus. This thing is (almost) indestructible. The Motorola Defy™ with MOTOBLUR™ has a water-resistant, dustproof design, …View Post
These shots are Borderline Artistic. Took them with the Olympus Pen. Awesome camera. Pretzel w/ marmite is so yummy! # omg same @mandimarc! #ThunderstormsIncreaseMyPowersOfAwesomeness # Notes …View Post
BBQ is ON! @Shananigans5 @KeriBlog @40deuce @brentwinsor @tinydanza @brockmclaughlin & Australian # Having the best #canadaday w/ my babes @keriblog @shannigans5 @tinydanza @brockmclaughlin & The …View Post