Earlier this summer, a bunch of ladies from my dance crew gathered in Trinity Bellwoods for a pinup picnic. it was so much fun, we drank, danced, and soaked up the sunshine in our vintage swimsuits, big glasses, and red lipstick.
I’d been dying to wear this dress somewhere. Reminds me of the old flower print dresses mum and her BFF Pat Hope (my Fairy Godmother!) used to wear.
Carla, aka Mama C is the founder of Army of Sass. I’m looking forward to the end of September when our sessions start up again. We’re doing an Alice in Wonderland show this round. Look out! If you’re interested in joining the Army (ANYWHERE in CANADA) or wanna come out for an intro class, visit armyofsass.com.
I’d love to have another Pinup Girls Picnic before summer is over. Woke up this AM and it was a wee bit chilly! Don’t go SUMMER, don’t GO! I’ll let y’all know if and when we’re doing it again, love to have some new/old faces come out.
?☀️??? CASIE