A couple days before my most recent trip I got an email from RIMOWA, Germany’s luxury luggage manufacturer. I’ve never had nice luggage let alone ‘luxury’! Actually, the little suitcase I have belonged to someone else, is old and has a ripped zipper. It’s crap. The note was about Salsa Air Ultralight weighing only 4.2 lbs, making it the lightest carry-on luggage on the market and built for strength and durability. Now, if you know me AT ALL…you know strength & durability are HUGE in the things I use/wear. They had a suitcase delivered for me to take to Costa Rica and honestly, IT WAS THE SH!T! I love it. Rolled and tossed that baby with elegance, easy and style from Toronto to Miami to Costa Rica to Libia to New York and home. We travelled car, bus, ferry, flight and through jungle, resort, beach and rain. Made this little vid-yo on the main street in Montezuma outside El Sana Banano. Thank you RIMOWA. Can I please keep it?! 😉
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