The Gladstone Hotel gets a Makeover

You’ll see a few familiar faces in this little ditty from the Gladstone for the re-launch of the Melody Bar next week. Stoked for the change in weather so I can bust out my real clothes. Shoes Jeffrey Campbell, shirt Joe Fresh, Lipstick Dior, Bag Nella Bella, Shorts Victoria Secret, Hair Darren Kwik Studio. Darren gave me a fresh shave yesterday. GO SEE HIM. He is awesome and will treat you like gold cause you are my friend. Discount too. His Twitter is @DKWIKSTUDIO. Stay of the show, ZOE! She is SUPER cute and I has a charming blog.     MEGA babe. Wicked style. Melody Bar opens next week. Stay tuned for party deets. Slow clap 😉

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That girl really has a LOT of energy, eh?

Oh yeah that girl is meeeee. energizer funny Aug 30, 2011 | Source:   Oh you ANgry huh?

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these are a few of my favourite things (right now)

This post if full of things that add glitter to my life. Thought I’d share with ya. Bangs from Doll Bar, Olympus PEN, vintage hats. I’ve been trying a new routine of going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Once you get outta bed, you can really accomplish heaps before the day really started. That’s my September goal: do more before 10am than most people do in a whole day. My October goal is: go to England or New Zealand. Settin’ em high. YES WE CAN. Sprocket Rocket camera from Lomography. I’ve got heaps of film because, frankly, I’m not that good at using the camera so I need to take heaps of shots before I can be considered good. Analogue is haaaarrrrrrd. New duvet cover is the alphabet, say hello to my ALPHA bed. See what I did there? Oh yeah, creative play on words. New flowery pillow looks painted and that eye mask is from Keri. I sleep with an eye mask pretty much every night. I live in a glass box, it’s SO SUPER sunny in the AM! Although, getting to sleep is never a problem thanks to my new memory foam mattress. According to bestmattress-reviews, there are a number of quality options at a lower price than you’d think. Gadget love: iPad (Andy), Macbook Air (James Dean), Android (Motorola DEFY), Logitech wireless mouse. I spend most the day with these guys. Ok, here’s something really amazing….you won’t BELIVE how tall I am with these legendary things strapped on. Aren’t they beautiful? They’re Jeffrey Campbell and I ordered them online at Solestruck. They’re like stilts. Move over Buskerfest. Comfy and good for walking. Film Fest, I am ready for you with my giant shoes. I’ve been using Mereadesso cleanser w/ face & neck toning gel and…

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Sharon, Lois & Bram were my first concert.

Sang this in my head about 2,000 times yesterday. Had a stiff up with my dang email and it stressed me right the effffff out. Anyhoo, we’re back in action and well, that’s that. Enjoy this little ditty. You DO know who SL&B are right? too bad its not in a good way # Toronto speed dating lures women with cops, firemen # Much love to you @FreakerAmerica. Got ma Freaker in the mail today <3 # Meeting. (@ Fox & Fiddle) # Brandon Boyd, shirtness. @IncubusBand pr0n. #Toronto # RE: @mvern78 Urgh, we ALWAYS miss eachother!! # RE: @mvern78 I want to. I’m maxed out on friends and have 200+ waiting to be accepted. I need to dedicate some time t… # Big thanks of the day to @Motorola_CA, I somehow mangled my phone camera, replacement coming tomorrow. #LEGEND # writing & listening to # Ha! Love this. Stocking is the New Planking via @eh_eh # see you tonight hot date @brockmclaughlin. flashback to this time last year. look out! # i am slowly going crazy…… # haha @tristanx this is “i am slowly going crazy” Sharon, Lios & Bram FTW cc @mandimarc # All the #NZFW tweets are making me miss New Zealand so much. Friends & family, ILU. Might have to plan a trip sooner than I thought. # RE: @jonlim Soooooo annoying. Good post 🙂 # haha via @jonlim #rage # Photo: Omg @NZTopModelColin. Your suit. You are a legend!! #

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such a classy lassie wants to get FREAKY.

I first mentioned Freaker a couple months back after seeing this video on Kickstarter. They were lookin’ for donations to kick start their company Freaker USA. Aaaaaaaaaand, they did it! Over $60,000! What impressed me the most was their company culture, Zach’s story and the lingo they used to talk about Freaker. Freakin’ awesome. That’s Zach with the mega beard!  These kids know how to have fun. This is how Freaker was born… Today I got a freaky Freaker package in the mail from the Freaker Team. Loved getting a hand written note. Have a jacket to match my new Freaker too 🙂 THANK YOU! ILU ♥

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pardon me while I burst into flames. seriously.

Mega swoonfest took place last night. I didn’t even take photos of myself or Sammy. ALL BRANDON. He is so good. Great voice, tall skinny, long hair, rocker, tattoos. I’ve been a band fan since high school and last night was my first time seeing them live. This is Incubus pr0n. #swoon We were super close. Thank you to my friend Brandon in LA who manages the Incubus Foundation for hooking us up with tickets. They put on a really great show. We had a blast. Shirt open… Shirt OFF. So good. His voice, so good. Ripped. The video was really well done.

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