feelin’ just peachy baby

Last night was the final judging for Peach Berserk‘s dress design contest and boy was it fun! Wine and cheezies on the counter with dozens of designs drawn by students across North America. These pix look really clear on my camera but for some reason when I upload them using WP Mobile they look kinda fuzzy. Please disregard! These are the other two judges from HOAX Couture. We all agreed on the winner and pretty much picked the same top 5 without even knowing. I loved going through them and seeing all the patterns and designs these kids came up with. If yo0u’ve never been to the shop you should pop by, it’s a burst of colour and art. Check out these tools hammers + blowdryers. Cute. This is where the magic happens. Kingi designed this little dress back in 1994.  Love it.

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if you want it, come and get it, crying out loud

I put a gray tint in my hair yesterday. The little piece I had before washed out really fast and I wanted it back. Went to Shoppers and picked up Roux Fanci-Full Silver Lining Mousse. This stuff is great – easy + fun to use. I use the blonde one when I need to get my hair done but don’t an appt scheduled. All you  do is put the mousse in your hair once towel dried, blow-dry and VOILA. It tints your hair then washes right OUT when you shampoo! My hair’s back to bright bleach blonde today. Lots of work to do today. Tonight I’m heading over to Peach Berserk to Judge the entries for their Spring/Prom Dress Design contest. Lookin’ forward to it. Yesterday I changed the URL’s on my photo blog + tech blog to subdomains of casiestewart.com. You can find them at posterous.casiestewart.com and  tumblr.casiestewart.com. Gonna try and rig up the borderline artistic in to a tumblr tonight, that baby needs some love from it’s mama. Have a great day. Enjoy the warm sunshine 🙂

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its really pretty here

I’m down by the water near my house, Lake Ontario and it’s sooo lovely right now. Had a photoshoot earlier today with Erika . When it was done I strolled over to the Beer Store and got a couple Sapporo and came to lay in the grass. The sun is shining so beautifully on the water. I’m watching planes land at the Island Airport. Lots of people walking by with dogs, holding hands, speaking different languages. Saw a cute boy on a longboard. Its so refreshing to sit outside in the sun and be alone to think and recharge my batteries. Gonna head home soon as it gets a little chilly and watch the Junos and do a little Tweeting for @mtvcanada. Today is a good day, Sunday Funday.

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this is a pretty good blogging phone

I took these pix yesterday with phone camera then edited using photo edit. I’m using WordPress for Android to blog this and I’m testing out all the options right now. I’ve named this sexy little phone the Motorola ‘Stone‘ Milestone. My Netbook is Bobby and this is my now other computer and our relationship is getting pretty serious. You can use HTML in the post window of the WP app which would be helpful if you knew it really well. I’m not totally ‘fluent’ but I like it. You’re able to change the image size but not to ANY size, only by 100’s. Not ideal but ok. I’m sure that will be added sometime. I’ve notived that my dear Bobby has been a bit neglected since I’ve been spending most my time with my paws on Stone. Mobile posting is so convenient. Because the camera on this baby takes such great pix, it allows me to cut out any time uploading images or editing on computer. If you thought I blogged lots before, jus’ wait.

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gonna fixer up real good old rusty

Finally gonna take my baby in for a tuneup. I very unsuccesfully fixed her myself. The chain is so rusty and not on properly. Maybe I should try some rust converter spray? I’m pretty sure someone jumped on it and twisted the middle pedal part while it was locked up on one of the TO bike stands. I reeeeeally hope it can get fixed, I love this bike so much. She’s like my summer bff. Looks like a nice day out. Kinda overcasty but warmish. I went to Wicked last night. It was wicked.

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you’re such a nerd.

It’s Foursquare Day so I had this shirt made this morning. I’m going to a the Toronto Foursquare party at the Loose Moose with other Tweeps who play this game. That’s my Friday night. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. It’s ok. I’ve been told a bunch of times today.

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