you will be loved by somebody good

Had a really nice day yesterday. Woke up after a great sleep, spent the day relaxing, chatting with friends online, blogging from bed. Later in the evening I got myself a glass travel mug of wine and cruised over to the hot tub. It was kinda cloudy over the water but I didn’t mind. It felt so nice to sit back and relax. I was all alone there for a while but then this one dude came in. I was glad I didn’t check-in on Foursquare, he could be the one I stole the Mayorship from! It would be so awkward if it was him. We kinda fought over reins of the Hot Tub Time Machine going back and forth for about two weeks. I’m so excited for tomorrow. Sia and K-Cav are gonna me at MTV. ZOMG I love my job, I love my job. If you wanna come to Sia, email [email protected]. Have a GREAT DAY!

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i want you know, you’re so wonder pho

Today is World Malaria Day. I tweeted & donated as well as posted an End Malaria pic on Daily Booth photo like the rest of the Malaria Envoy. Here’s 5 Ways You Can Support World Malaria Day online via Mashable. I also made Pho today. Sabrina said it was the most adventerous meal she’s ever seen me make. I don’t cook very often. I can, but I don’t. It was easier than I thought and I was able to make it less salty and use really nice meat. It turned out great!

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whatever you want, it’s yours. create it.

Some things in life you need, some are just unnecessaary. This is some of my recent work in my Unnecessary Wheels collection. More coming soon… Breanna requested a cheese wheel. Drew tweeted he was missing an orange balloon. My floor is covered with markers and pastels and sketchbooks. Among the analog art supplies is the flip cam, camera, phone (with cam, netbook, monitor,  it’s a creative geek heaven. Love.  I started this project about 2 years ago is starting to pick up speed. I’d love to tell you about it but I can’t yet. Soon, you will be the first to know, ovbiously. This is fabulous. If you have not seen it. Watch and enjoy.

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stop talking so loud on the subway, it’s rude

I rode the streetcar today and there were these two loud ass mofo’s speaking some unknown languge SUPER loud. Like, seriously? Are some people SO freeking arrogant that they don’t clue in they’re yelling? I know car was packed but like sheesh, have you no manners? I have a loud voice, I love yelling but there’s a place and a time. I made these loud talker videos over a year ago.  I’ve changed LOTS in the last year. Have you ever gone and ready some of mny old stuff? Posts, videos, photos, they make me smile. As for loud talkers, they’re annoying.  I rarely take the TTC anymore because I walk to work, however, when I do, I always have a camera. Mooohahahah. BTW, streetcar driver was EXTRA nice, to everyone. subway loud talkers #001 subway loud talkers #002 I hope you do not know this guy.

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take me to the ocean and lose me forever

Hung out with my sis the other day. Quite hilarious when we hang out,  the older we get the more similar, we are,  especially our mannerisms and the way we talk. We spend half the time laughing out loud. For real. People always say we sound the same on the phone, especially our parents.  More and more we look similar  in photos, too, it’s totally crazy going through her pix.  It was so nice down by the lake and watching the sunset If you live her or near the water somehwere, go there more often. Jenie took this pic of me, haha. Pop’a colla. There’s nothing like hanging out with her. Our cousin is coming this week FROM NEW ZEALAND. First young cuzzy that’s been over this side of the planet since I was like ten. Super exciting. Hanging out in the beaches with Carly this afternoon. So nice and heaps of trees around,  much different than the concrete jungle where I spend mosta my days. ♥

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painting the town green

Up early and off to the Green Living Show with Care Bear. I’ve not seen this sista for ages. Last time was that group girls date to see a movie months ago. Looking forward seeing her and all the goodies that come with attending the show. You have to pay to get in BUT this year Samsung is letting you bring old electronics to donate and you get in free. The list is right here if you’re feeling green with envy and wanna go. Ok, that was cheese, I know. There’s also a Hills marathon on MTV all afternoon if your feeling L-to the-AZY. Had a really fun night. New blog is in the works too. Just wait, you’s gonna love it. This  photo is like the cutest ever. I’m not Skypetarted and more and figured out how to chat full screen.  In the geekiest fashion we Skyped, tweeted and used mobile. Dorkilicious. Ok bye for now. Have a great day.

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