Today, it happened.

It snowed on my jacket over lunch.I went to Starbucks, got the Globe and read many things. There was a Porter Pilot speaking about some Porter stuff to his mates. I read a few obituaries and had a slice of lemon poppy loaf. It was very windy and cold as I walked back to the office. Then the snow started coming sideways and very light. It landed on my jacket.

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Sketches: Part I

I drew this sketch. It is called ‘Skin Trade: pornstars are entrepreneurs’. I have it posted on my wall at home and I thought, why not post it here. I was thinking to myself how really, if you can make money selling your body as you may wish to, you are an entrepreneur. This is not something that I have done nor have any desire to. I was just thinking in general. The Free Dictionary online defines an entrepreneur as “A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.” Thus, I would say I am correct. This is a sketch I did of my bike. It really is my pride and joy. Well, it was, until she got a flat tire because I left her in a bad hood over night . Now she’s not going for any rides. Next summer, this beauty will be back on the road and all over downtown. Just how she likes it.

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Oh, What to be on Halloween?

I was a sexy pirate, but what should I be next? I went out as a Zombie and was sexier than the rest! I’ve been out as an Olsen with my sister Mary Kate. I’ve been a nasty nun . I was drunk with pregnant traits. I’ve been a super hero a ghost and a witch. I was an old lady and she was a sexy bitch. I don’t know what to wear, I’m pulling out my hair!! Oh, what to be on Halloween!!

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winter is coming

you know its time for winter when the wooly socks come outyour hats and mits and scarves and suchand lots of little pouts you know its time for winterwhen the snow is on the groundthe streets are filled with slushand your spirit feels a frown you know its time for winterwhen you’re oh so bundled uptrying to keep warm insidehot coffee in your cup you know its time for winterwhen holidays roll aroundyou gather with your familyand many drinks go down you know its time for springwhen the flowers start to bloomlove is in the airand sunshine fills the room casie. oct.29.2008

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Looking Good All Over, Barry.

A dear friend notified me of something very interesting going on at You can login as a member of the site (or signup!), choose your country and pick who you would vote for in the upcoming US Election. It is evident by all my posts that I’ve got a thing for Obama. I was pleased and surprised to see that the whole world, the ones whom are interested in The Economist, would vote for Obama as well. The countries that chose McCain are mainly concentrated in one part of the world and McCain leads in Iraq, of all countries, with 67% of the vote. Interesting point maybe? In Canada the favorite is clear, 89% of Canadians that have voted online, vote for Obama. the polls are refreshed every 3 hours and overall there are 9,120 votes for Obama and only 270 for McCain.Check it out if you find it interesting by clicking the links or the map.

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Just Dance!

Tonight I’m taking my sister to see a show that I am quite excited about. The show is entitled “Bloodletting and other pleasant things” by Tony Chong at Dancemakers Centre for Creation. I’m quite looking forward to it. I don’t have much knowledge about the show yet however you will all know what I think about it tomorrow! It is in the Distillery and starts at 8pm if you wanna come with us. I’m looking forward to hot bodies dressed in minimal clothing and a roller coaster of emotion expressed through contemporary dance. My sis and I have always been involved in dancing. We both started at the age of 3 with Meyerhofer Dance Academy in our home town and we both had fake eyelashes and hairpieces at 5 years old. We travelled to New York, Myrtle Beach, around Ontario competing in many, many competitions. With that thought, the two of us are good critics for tonight’s show. ♥

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