A Happy and Healthy New Year full of Light and Blessings and Fulfillment. ♥
There is no better time to do this than during the holiday of Rosh Hashanah. It is considered to be the seed level of the entire year. No matter how much chaos humanity has created up until now, our collective soul never becomes impure.
Rosh Hashanah offers us the ability to reconnect to the part of us that is pure and new, that is completely of the Light and free from darkness.
This year we have the opportunity to reveal a critical mass of Light, to hit the tipping point, to shift the scales back to Light, causing pain, suffering and death to be removed from the human landscape.
The Rav has been saying this for forty years: consciousness is key. Never before have we so desperately needed to live it. Look around – floods, terrorism, rising gas prices, rising tides – we need to tip this scale.
Rosh Hashanah is the time. Let’s do it together.” Read More