hey universe, i need a new camera!

I’ve had bad luck with cameras. I’ve been through a few. However, that was when I used to drink and go partying all the time. A text book alcoholic, I could say, you couldn’t say that without pissing me off. It’s just not nice. The Toronto Police have a checklist and you could be one too. so don’t judge me. I’ve been taking so many pictures and I really need a new camera so I can take better ones and put them here and make videos so you can see how funny I really am. I believe in the powers of positive thought and I am asking the universe to send a camera to me. You know my address uni, we’ve been friends a long time.

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be nice to yourself this week

mem lamed ayin Removing Negative Thoughts By scanning these letters right to left you connect to the spiritual energy of this name. The meditation is linked to the photo and you can also experience it by connecting here. A little spiritual tune up from Yehuda: The month of Scorpio is the perfect time to be reminded of this. We tend to be extra hard on ourselves under the influence of this energy. But at the same time, there is always a little poison in the vaccine. Meaning, if we can learn to be nice to ourselves, even when we are in the throes of self-hatred, we can inoculate ourselves against that inner critic for the rest of the year. Be nice to yourself this week. You have so many gifts from the Creator that were given to you so you could share them with others. The more you are patient and tolerant of your shortcomings and failures, the more your gifts will come out. And the more your gifts come out, the better you will feel. Be well. Enjoy your week! All the best, Yehuda Berg

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You Make Even a Tiny Religious Cap Look Sexy

I wish you all a Shana TovaA Happy and Healthy New Year full of Light and Blessings and Fulfillment. ♥ “One action – either positive or negative – can tip the world to one side or the other. Now, every single one of us has the responsibility, through our own lives and actions, to diminish this darkness by awakening more Light. There is no better time to do this than during the holiday of Rosh Hashanah. It is considered to be the seed level of the entire year. No matter how much chaos humanity has created up until now, our collective soul never becomes impure. Rosh Hashanah offers us the ability to reconnect to the part of us that is pure and new, that is completely of the Light and free from darkness. This year we have the opportunity to reveal a critical mass of Light, to hit the tipping point, to shift the scales back to Light, causing pain, suffering and death to be removed from the human landscape. The Rav has been saying this for forty years: consciousness is key. Never before have we so desperately needed to live it. Look around – floods, terrorism, rising gas prices, rising tides – we need to tip this scale. Rosh Hashanah is the time. Let’s do it together.” Read More For thousands of years, the great kabbalistic sages have taught that every human being is born with the potential for greatness. Kabbalah is the means for activating that potential.

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Be Posi ♥ Believe in Yourself kids.

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