Today I’m on the lower east side at TEDxWomen in the Distillery District. I’m a guest of Carla Catherwood, founder and CEO of the Army of Sass. 100 women were selected to attend the event today so I’m feeling quite lucky!
Carla just left the stage and rocked it! She spoke about Army of Sass, how it’s grown, and the effect it has on women.
I can tell you honestly, being part of the AOS group has changed my life. Last night she did her talk for and a whole bunch of of has tears then a big, sweaty group hug. It was the absolute best.
You can purchase a ticket to our THROWBACK show June 6th or June 13th right here.
Just heard a talk from Emily Wright, you may have read about her in Toronto Life magazine. Private school girl turned homeless, drug addict. Her story was touching and inspiring.
It’s only half way through the day and I’m feeling super inspired. Also driven, motivated, and proud of the things I’ve accomplished.
Reminder for today, You ARE important, talented, and beautiful. You CAN accomplish anything you set your mind to. Don’t stand in your way, GO, CONQUER.
Sending you sunshine through the Internet,