Raising Malawi

Madonna’s movie ‘I am Because We Are‘ airs today at 9pm EST on the Sundance Channel. Madonna has been awakened to the crisis in Malawi. It is an impoverished African nation where one million children are orphaned by AIDS. “If all you can do is live life in YOUR world in a way that shows you are responsible for the people around you, that’s a course of action,” said Madonna. “People can be of service in large ways and small.” -Madonna Since 2006, Raising Malawi has been dedicated to bringing en end the extreme poverty and hardship endured by Malawi’s 2 million orphans and vulnerable children. Co-founded by Madonna and Michael Berg, Raising Malawi uses a community-based approach to provide immediate direct psychical assistance, support long-term sustainability, create education and psychosocial programs, and build global awareness for the plight of Malawi’s vulnerable children.

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World AIDS Day ♥

Today, December 1st is World Aids Day. The World AIDS Day website has a ton of ways that you can help educate yourself, others and get involved in the cure for AIDS. I have participated in the AIDS Walk and have supported several charities over the years. What have you done lately? Here are some ideas from the World AIDS Day website: Get a red ribbon collection box for your workplace, school, community centre or event to raise money and awareness of HIV. Organise a red-themed fundraising event in support of the NAT. Here are some ideas of how to turn your event red for World AIDS Day: Have a red non-uniform day at your school or workplace and make a donation for the privilege of wearing red Do a sponsored run, bike ride or whatever takes your fancy dressed completely in red Organise a red-themed party or red-themed dinner for friends and ask everyone to make a donation Or come up with your own red-themed idea!

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