i’m bangin’ obama!

Aha!! Got you with that one. Has it gone to far with yet another ‘Obama’ product? The condoms say ‘use with good judgment’, as if he is happy to have you banging and reaching for a condom with his face on it. I wonder if the laytex itself has an Obama face on it? The Chicago Tribune published an article saying the ‘the amount of Obama-related goods for sale is unprecedented, historians say. No president has seen so many people sell so many things so shamelessly: collectors’ coins and plates, bath towels, bobbleheads and buttons just about anything that can have an image applied to it.’ I think it’s hilarious.

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pants off party

My invite is on its way I guess… “I have a Jager machine in my bus and one in the dressing room. I also have a new dressing-room rule, which I started over the summer: You must remove one article of clothing- your pants, your top- ore else you are not allowed in my dressing room. So in order to come back and dance and party you gotta take off some clothing. That gets the fucking party started so quick. Everyone’s walking around topless, and shit’s going, music’s bumping, girls are dancing on the table, and you’re like, Okay this is perfect.” – Tommy Lee tells the new issue of Playboy

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the promiscuous economist reader

This week the Economist published an interesting article entitled “Sex and the Citizen‘. It showed a detailed breakdown of what countries are the most promiscuous. I found it interesting. They surveyed 14,000 people in 48 countries. Questions ranged from “how many one-night stands have you had?” to” is sex without love acceptable, or sex with casual partners?”. Researchers gathered the answers and determined the results. I found the comments on the article to be quite interesting! It’s a bit funny actually. Finland and New Zealand rank highest and Bangladesh and Taiwan are the lowest. I’m pretty surprised that France, Italy and Australia were not closer to the top of the list! Boooya!

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In spirit of my 40 days & 40 nights…

“An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.” Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963) I already knew it was time to focus more on my intellect.

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Just take it up the ass.

Thanks planned parenthood for looking out for me!I’ll be sure to tell all my friends.

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