One day to go for the 56th US Election!! Go Obama!!

CNN is reporting the following for the US Election tomorrow (see image). What an exciting time! I hope and prey Obama wins. It will be a real shame for the US to have old fart McCain in office for the next term. It truly is time for change in the US. Their economy and state of the nation has become such a mess since Bush has been in office (including his investment in the war on Iraq, however, we won’t touch on that item!). I’ll be at a pub with friends watching the future of the US unfold!! Educate yourselves! I’m sharing some interesting facts I found here about the election & candidates: Either candidate would become the first president born outside the Continental United States, as Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and McCain was born at Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone, a US naval base. This 2008 election will mark the first time since the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 that a sitting Senator will be elected President of the United States. The new president elected in 2008 will be the first president in 184 years to take office after multiple consecutive two-term presidential administration (Bush & Clinton) McCain would be the oldest U.S. president upon ascension to the presidency at age 72 years Barack Obama and John McCain are 24 years and 340 days apart in age. The 2008 election marks the first time since the 1928 election in which neither an incumbent President nor an incumbent Vice President ran for their party’s nomination in the presidential election

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This is Why he Will Lose the Election

Because we are so very surrounded and consumed by the internet and sharing online it is impossible to not have images and content spread like wildfire. The photo below, in my belief is why McCain will lose the election. I know, I know, it’s never just one thing, but THAT is enough to make you go ‘ok, what the fuck is up with that old fart?’. Like seriously. If I were him I’d just stay at home and call it a day. “My name is John McCain and I am dropping out of the election due to Internet Embarrassment. I’ve outdone my self to a point where I feel I can not turn back.” Good Luck Barry Obama. I think you’re rad and you were really hot when you were younger.

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