Word on the street is that the new Instagram timeline is dropping tomorrow. Here’s what you need to know! Apparently 70% of us are missing posts we actually wanna see, this new algorithm will hopefully make it better. For advertisers, this means you really need to pay to play Hopefully, the changed algorithm will result in more likes for us all. Although, I haven’t been in need of many more links since finding the best powerlikes service on the internet.
If your favorite musician shares a video from last night’s concert, it will be waiting for you when you wake up, no matter how many accounts you follow or what time zone you live in. And when your best friend posts a photo of her new puppy, you won’t miss it. – Instagram blog
If you’ve been on IG the last 24 hours you might have noticed a ton of posts tagged #turnmeon or #turnonnotifications, this is people asking for you to make a slight change so you don’t miss their posts. It’s kinda annoying and tbh, I don’t want to notifications from everyone, there’s a bunch of people I follow that I should probably just unfollow. BUT, if you want to turn on notifications for your fav peeps, it’s v easy.
How to Turn on Notifications in Instagram
- 1. Tap the little ?? ?? ?? on the top right of any profile
- 3 Enjoy posts fro your fav peeps. Try here w/ my profile ???
Over the last decade, one thing I’ve learned about the internet and content creation is if you make great stuff and tell good stories, people will want to read it. This is where CONTENT IS KING comes from. If you want to build a following or grow a brand, you need think about what you’re posting and where. The platform it’s posted on today might not be there in 6 months or it might totally change functionality. It doesn’t just stop with posting good content though. Instagram is changing so much now that you can even directly message people from your computer using things like igdm, which is helping people stay connected to one another as well. So it’s certainly an improvement!
Being good at social means being agile and ready to change at the drop of a tweet.
If you share content that gets a lot of likes, comments and shares, based on the new algorithm, your content will be seen by even more people. Good photos and lots of natural lighting are a great way to get likes. Buying an instagram likes booster is also a good way to get likes. It could be a good method of actually getting some recognition on the platform in lieu of natural engagement, springboarding your Instagram to allow for building up popularity.
On Instagram as a platform…
To be honest, I feel like Instagram is on it’s way down. I like the idea of a curated stream, I think the algorithm will be good. How many posts do you see now that are from Snapchat? Once a platform stars being the secondary place content is posted, I feel it’s the decline. I’ve seen a bunch of apps rise to popularity then quickly decline when users hop over to the latest thing. Social is ALWAYS CHANGING.
Only time will tell if my prediction is true! Until then, make sure you visit my profile, and turn on notifications if you want. I’m heading to Costa Rica this weekend and I assure you, you don’t wanna miss it’s beauty!